The book “Global Project Management” stated that global projects are now the operating units which establish initial connections among various cross-border networks and depend on information flow across various business partners and stakeholders. As we see nowadays, there are many projects in global environments which involve people coming from different companies located in diverse countries and lands. But to be successful in collaboration, you need to effectively craft a compelling collaboration proposal. In this article, we will discuss beneficial steps of creating a collaboration proposal, plus we have various downloadable partnership proposal templates for you to use. Keep on reading!

FREE 11+ Collaboration Proposal Sample

1. University Collaboration Proposal Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


2. Standard Collaboration Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


3. Research Collaboration Proposal Form Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 431 KB


4. Sample Collaboration Program Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Collaboration Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 286 KB


6. Sample Collaboration Project Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 299 KB


7. Printable Collaboration Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


8. Collaboration Proposal Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 901 KB


9. Basic Collaboration Business Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 496 KB


10. Sample Collaboration Proposal Form Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 99 KB


11. Technology Collaboration Proposal Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 98 KB


12. Sample Collaboration Proposal Proforma Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 55 KB


What is a Collaboration Proposal?

A collaboration proposal sample is an essential document that demonstrates collaborative goals, objectives, and plans developed by a project manager of a company with the aim of getting a meaningful collaboration project or business partnership with other companies or organizations.

How to Create a Collaboration Proposal   

According to the book “Collaboration Tools for Project Managers”, humans are predisposed to connect with each other, and while the barriers to entry were decreased, participation grew. In this matter, we suggest that you follow the simple steps below while freely using one of our collaboration proposal templates in this article analysis:

1. Specify clear goals, and solid objectives

One of the primary factors that you need to consider in creating a partnership or collaboration proposal is specifying clear goal list, and solid objectives for your collaboration project.  Think carefully about the things you prioritize in your collaboration project and your vision in achieving your definite goals and objectives.

2. Describe your project for collaboration

To build a good impression for your potential business partners, you need to fully describe the scope of work of your collaboration project. Howard Gardner said: “If you understand something well, you can represent it, describe it, embody it in several ways. Indeed, if you can only present it in one way, then your own mastery is likely to be tenuous.” You don’t need to use fancy words in your proposal. The main point here is you must fully represent and describe your ideas about the collaboration you want to execute. 

3. Provide action plans and budget

After you set direction and build your team for collaboration, you need to provide comprehensive action plans and align them with your key people, and practices based on a shared purpose statement. Communicate efficiently with each ember as you come up with crucial solutions to potential issues related to your collaboration project and implement them. Also, provide necessary information concerning the estimated budget of the collaboration.

4. Highlight the value  

Albert Einstein said: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Thus, highlight the parts of the collaboration project and show its unique value and why it is apart from others. Make sure that your collaboration can positively influence many people and support their needs in some ways.  This is a vital point for many companies and organizations as they prefer to project work with business individuals or firms that have a unique perspective especially when it comes in creating a valuable product or service to the people. 


How to write a collaboration proposal?

Include a sample brief description of your collaboration project by writing 2-3 paragraphs. Emphasize the main purpose and objectives of the collaboration, as well as the possible impact and benefits it would bring to both of you and the industry.

What should I write for collaboration?

When writing for a collaboration project, the members of both teams, groups, or companies should have roles clearly assigned to them. Indicate the strengths and weaknesses of each member. Then, accept the opinions, comments, and suggestions from others. Maintain adaptability despite the differences. 

How to offer collaboration?

There are many things that you can offer collaboration to other business firms. When you want to collaborate with your favorite brands, try cross-promotion or interchanging of product promotion from a specific brand that you like to partner with. Try collaborating with influencers in social media, and take advantage of guest posting. Or make a podcast or interview series online. Attend networking events agenda as well.

What are the different types of collaboration?

The different types of collaboration are community collaboration, cloud collaboration, internal collaboration, network collaboration, strategic alliance, video collaboration, and many others.

When starting up a collaboration project, it can be a real challenge for the ones involved because managing a certain range of different personalities is way different compared to the usual. But due to converging technical trends and business drivers in our generation, many business analysis and organizations can easily move toward digital practices to enhance collaboration with each other.  So, get a collaboration proposal template today to start your collaboration project journey! 

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