It is always a good feeling to be able to give back to society. Community service can help a lot of people or the environment in numerous ways. A few examples of these are clean up drives, planting trees, feeding programs, donations amongst others. If you wish to conduct any community service, before you can do so, you must submit a community service proposal to be able to get permission to fulfill this task. Read more about this in our article and if you need any ready made templates, check out our community service proposal samples below:

10+ Community Service Proposal Samples

1. Community Service Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


2. Future Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


3. Community Service Proposal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 279 KB


4. Student Community Service Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 366 KB


5. School Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 176 KB


6. Bright Future Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


7. Scholarship Foundation Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


8. Program Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 210 KB


9. Academy Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 147 KB


10. Economic and Community Service Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 359 KB


11. Community Service Committee Proposal

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


What Is a Community Service Proposal?

First off, community service is a community programing in which is a voluntary action of an individual or group of individuals without pay for the benefit of others. Community service can be organized by just anyone or by local groups or clubs such as a place of worship, school, private sectors or non-profit organization. To do so, a community service proposal is a formal document that contains a plan or suggestion to perform proposed community service project and its purpose, outcomes, and the steps that will be taken to complete the project. Community service as mentioned are done by groups or individuals or sometimes this could be referred as work service obligated by  the court system as punishment for various criminal offenses.

How to Write a Community Service Proposal?

There is a vast array of community service activities you can engaged to. First find what suits your interest or what kind of activity compels or drives you to help. Here are some ways that you can think over before choosing the right activity and starting on your community service proposal:

  • Pick a project :  discuss prominent issues that need attention in your neighborhood and brainstorm ways to address the problems. Prioritize your ideas and select the best one. Think about what you would like to learn from the project. You either select stories you read from the news or conduct a survey to see what is the best project you can endeavor for your proposal.
  • Plan your project : careful planning is crucial to any community service project. While developing your plan, consider your ultimate goals, who will be helped by your service and if the project is needed by the community.

While you are at your planning stage, it is high time to write up your community service proposal. This may differ, everyone has their own writing style and format. But let us go through the basic components of a community service proposal:

I. Title Page

This should cover the name or title of the proposal.

II. Proposal Contacts

This section must contain the organization’s name, contact persons, address and phone number. If this is a solo project proposal, include your name and other contact information. You can opt to add any related information to the project proposal such as business cards or brochures.

III. Proposal Body

  • Project proposal statement: state the problem that needs to be addressed and describe the exact need that you or organization needs to address and the reason why this particular community service was chosen.
  • Proposal objectives: describe what you aim to accomplish with your community service activity. Include a brief timeline, location in which the community service is performed and who or what will benefit from the this project.

IV. Outcome

Describe what are the possible outcomes should the community take place and should this entail any improvement or advantages to the concerned party. And also what it can do you as an individual or how this community service activity would affect your organization.

V. Task Distribution and Budget

Briefly outline the names of those who will be working with the project proposal and their individual task. Include the budget and how much would it cost to conduct the community service.


What Are the Benefits of Community Service?

There are numerous benefits to participating in community service, both for yourself and others. These are: helping improve your community, personal growth development, strengthen your resume and bonds with your colleagues and you a way to gain work experience and learn more about certain jobs.

What Are Some Community Services Ideas?

Some popular ideas are participating in a charity activity, volunteer at a local nonprofit and hosting a fundraiser event and donating the money.

What Crimes Get Community Service?

These are damaging property, petty theft, non-grievous assault, shoplifting, drink driving or small-scale benefit fraud can lead to community service orders.

If something inspires you to do something and give back to the community, map out your community service proposal as effective as you can. You are doing such a great deed and service to the society and for you to personally grow and learn how to empathize well with others.