The book “Cooperative Enterprise: Facing the Challenge of Globalization” stated that the cooperative is a form of enterprise greatly appropriate to sustaining economic growth in the arising economies and in the sectors and regions which are least open to international investment.
It is a unique form of business which is aimed to maintain mutual solidarity and economic activity, combining two distinct dimensions: the economic dimension and social dimension. If you and other business individuals want to form a cooperative enterprise, your team needs to be able to create a compelling cooperative proposal. In this article, we will discuss beneficial steps of creating a cooperative proposal, plus we have various downloadable business cooperative proposal samples for you to use. Keep on reading!
FREE 10+ Cooperative Proposal Samples
1. Cooperative Internship Project Proposal
2. Electric Cooperative Request for Proposal
3. Grant Cooperative Cost Sharing Proposal
4. Cooperative Education Proposal
5. Technology Cooperative Proposal
6. Request for Cooperative Project Proposal
7. Cooperative Education Program Proposal
8. Community Cooperative Proposal
9. Cooperative Service Request for Proposal
10. Cooperative Workshop Proposal
11. Cooperative School Literacy Proposal
What is a Cooperative Proposal?
A cooperative proposal is a significant document that demonstrates cooperative goals, objectives, and plans developed by various business individuals, participants or individual cooperators who are united to achieve their common social and economic goals. They aim to establish a meaningful collaboration project or business partnership with each other through a jointly-owned enterprise.
How to Write a Cooperative Proposal
In this matter, we suggest that you follow the simple steps below while using one of our free cooperative proposal templates in this article:
1. Set up clear goals, and solid objectives
One of the primary factors that you need to consider in creating a partnership or cooperative proposal is setting up clear goals, and solid objectives for your cooperative business firm. Think carefully about the things you prioritize in your cooperative business and your cooperative team’s vision in achieving all your definite goals and objectives.
2. Describe the scope of business
To maintain a good impression, you need to fully describe the scope of your cooperative business. Tucker Carlson said: “You can’t fix a problem if you don’t have the words to describe it. You can’t even think about it clearly.” So, you must fully describe the scope clearly and avoid using fancy words in your proposal. The essential point here is you must fully represent and describe all ideas of the cooperators about the cooperative project you want to execute.
3. Provide action plans and budget
After setting the direction for collaboration, provide comprehensive action plans and align them with your key people, and practices according to a shared purpose. Communicate efficiently with each cooperator or participant as you think about integral solutions to possible issues linked to your cooperative enterprise and implement them. Also, provide necessary information concerning the estimated budget of the collaboration or joint venture.
4. Showcase the value
Bill Adams said: “Knowing what you value and how much you value it, is the fire that illuminates the dark…Meditating helps keep your eyes firmly fixed on the light of what you value.” Thus, meditate the primary aspects of the cooperative enterprise and showcase their value and significance. Guarantee that your cooperative firm can positively influence many people and support their needs in some ways.
This is an important point for many companies and organizations as they prefer to work with business individuals or firms that have a unique valuable product or service which can be meaningful to the people.
Write 2-3 paragraphs of a simple and clear description of your cooperative project. Highlight the main purpose and objectives of the cooperation project, as well as the potential impact and benefits it would bring to both of you and the industry.How to write a cooperative proposal?
The different types of cooperatives are service cooperatives, producer cooperatives, retail cooperatives, housing cooperatives, and worker cooperatives. What are the five types of cooperatives?
The major principles of a cooperative business are autonomy and independence, cooperation among cooperatives, open and voluntary membership, economic participation of the members, concern for the community, and proper education and training.What are the major principles of a cooperative?
First, you need to prepare and submit articles of incorporation and create bylaws. Then, make a membership application and invite potential members. After that, initiate a charter member meeting and elect who will be suited as directors of the cooperative. Acquire some licenses and permits and hire diligent employees. How to establish a cooperative?
When you establish a cooperative firm, managing a wide array of different personalities can be a real challenge for the ones involved. To successfully pursue your cooperative objectives, you need to work with like-minded people as you strengthen market positions through developing mutual decisions. It is integral that cooperators should establish a solid objective, and that their alliance creates a firm that contributes in fulfilling that specific objective. So, get a cooperative proposal template today to start your cooperative enterprise journey!