As more and more ecommerce companies and businesses are slowly emerging, the need to put up a website has been rapidly increasing. Websites are not only there to increase the credibility of an ecommerce company; they should also be user-friendly for visitors and clients. To meet that demand, website designers should be able to convey their ideas and plans to help attain their client’s goals and requirements. And the best way to highlight their plans is by preparing an ecommerce website design proposal. A solid proposal is a powerful sales tool that can turn your partially interested client into a full-pledge client who is thoroughly convinced that you are the right one for the job. To know more about this proposal, let us discuss this further below. And if you need to start preparing a website design proposal, we’ve got a list of ecommerce website design proposal samples at can be downloaded for free on this page, don’t forget to check it out now!

9+ Ecommerce Website Design Proposal Samples

1. Ecommerce Website Design & Development Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 308 KB


2. Multivendor Ecommerce Website Design Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 804 KB


3. Ecommerce Website Handicraft Design Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 610 KB


4. Sample Ecommerce Website Design Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104 KB


5. ECommerce Website Redesign Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 310 KB


6. Basic Ecommerce Website Design Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Ecommerce Website Custom Design Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 955 KB


8. Ecommerce Website Design & Migration Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 413 KB


9. Ecommerce Website Design & Implementation Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Ecommerce Small Business Website Design Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


What Is an Ecommerce Website Design Proposal?

Websites are popular online platforms that can be for official or personal use. Almost all companies whether they have a physical store or not have their own websites. Even government agencies use websites to convey official news or are a database for citizens. Websites are also used to blog, post photos, and many other things. For those engaged in ecommerce, a website is a very important aspect of their businesses—as this is where they conduct their transactions. In this platform, they post their products and services, finalize a sale, and a means to communicate to clients and the rest of the world. The beauty of websites is that they could be accessed anytime or anywhere. This is why a website designer must be able to create a proposal that would convince their client to choose the design and features that can enhance a user’s experience. An ecommerce website design proposal should contain the outline of the design project, steps to be undertaken, the fees, and other relevant matters.

How To Create an Ecommerce Website Design Proposal?

The main purpose of a proposal is to convince your client to choose you and your company amongst your competitors. So you need to be persuasive, detailed, and have done your research in order to make your website design proposal stand out from the rest. Speaking of research, it always pays to know more about your potential client, in this way you are able to transform what they require for their website design. Now, an ecommerce website design proposal is always different from the rest as this must be tailored to suit the needs of your client. But it has several elements that are common in this type of proposal, here are the following details you should consider while creating this proposal.

1. Cover Letter

Start your proposal with a brief cover letter that should outline the website design project’s general terms and a statement thanking your client for the opportunity to prepare the proposal on their behalf.

2. Scope of Work and Deliverables

In this section of the proposal, you are to explain briefly the website design you have thought about, a step-by-step process of how the work is done, and the estimated number of hours needed for the completion.

3. Goals and Outcome

Describe the goals you wish to achieve with the website design and how the outcome can help your client or what benefits will they get out of it. For example, the new design will attract a younger audience or enhance a user’s experience.

4. Budget and Payment Schedule

Outline the budget and the overall cost of the project. If company policy requires a deposit make sure to include this. Don’t forget to also include information regarding the payment schedule on when and how payments will be made.

5. About the Company

Add an overview about your web design company, a bit of history, your general services, and your team.

6. Acceptance

In this section is where you affix your signature and the date. And don’t forget to include a portion for your client as well.


What Is a Web Development?

Web development is the building, creating, and managing of websites for the internet or an intranet that is accessed through a web browse.

What Is the Difference Between a Web Developer and Designer?

A web developer builds and creates a website whereas the designer develops the aesthetic elements of the site.

Should Websites Be Redesigned Every Once in Awhile?

Yes, if you want to stay competitive and relevant, then you should redesign your website every 2-5 years. You also need to keep up with the latest trend in design and application.

A well-crafted ecommerce website design proposal will help you win that client and secure more job opportunities, so don’t forget to check out the sample templates above to make it easier for you to prepare.


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