What is a proposal? A proposal is defined as a formal document where one writes their ideas or suggestions about business, events and other things where they are applicable. Writing a proposal means that you want your ideas or suggestions to be the topic of a discussion to be judged if it is acceptable or not for a certain purpose.

In this article, the type of proposal we will discuss about is a freelance writing proposal. We will get to know what freelance writing it, how you can become a freelance writer, how to write a freelance writing proposal and other related topics. You may also use the sample proposal templates that we have provided below.

Sample Freelance Writing Proposals

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Freelance Project Proposal Sample Template

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Freelance Writing Proposal Template

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Freelance Bid Proposal Template

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Free Freelance Proposal Template

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Freelance Web Design Proposal Template

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Simple Freelance Proposal Template

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Sample Freelance Medical Writing Proposals

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What Is Freelance Writing?

Freelancers work to support themselves and are not under any bosses nor are they following any company. In fact, they are considered as independent businesses owners. Being a freelance writer means that you are self-employed and that you you have more than one client who pays you for every writing assignment that they want you to do. Freelance writers write different things for different clients often at the same time. Unlike a normal employee, freelance writers find jobs by looking for clients who need freelance writing services or clients who are hiring freelance writers. Freelance writing proposals are one of the main requirements for a freelance writer to get accepted for the job or project. Through the proposal, they can show clients what they are capable of doing and provide samples of their actual work.

Many writers have been freelancing since a long time ago. But it was only during the advancement of technology that they were truly rewarded and recognized. This is because looking for clients and submitting proposals were just made easier and more convenient. You may also want to check out other relate articles, like Basic Proposal Outline TemplatesReal Estate Investment Proposal Samples & Templates, and Photography Proposal Template.

How to Become a Freelance Writer

There are many ways on how you can become a freelance writer. These methods vary depending on one’s preferences or style. If you have not found the method or style that you want to use to become a freelance writer, then here are four useful steps that will help you.

Step #1: What do you find interesting to write about?

The first step in doing something is always the hardest part. The same thing is true with freelance writing. You will need to start with looking for the what you are interested in or where you are comfortable at. If you like what you are doing then you can write wonderful contents that will surely be attractive to clients.

Step #2: Create your portfolio.

Once you have decided on what you want to write, the next important step is to create your portfolio. To do this you will need to show them samples of your work, which means you will need to write an article or a content about what you are interested in. Clients hire freelance writers after they have seen and read their work. Remember that writers are not hired because they need a job.

Step #3: Make your presence visible online.

Online presence is important if you want to be a freelance writer. This is where you are going to showcase the samples of your work and also a good way to attract clients, instead of chasing after them. Creating social media accounts where most clients frequent are suggested, as well as creating your own blog.

Step #4: Sell yourself.

You would normally sell yourself to a company manager when applying for a job by telling them what you are good at and what you are capable of. You also do the same thing as a freelance writer, except that you sell yourself directly to clients instead of a manager. Having your own sales pitch that works will greatly help you!

These four steps are easy to understand and follow. It also allows you to realize your own style or method from freelancing, which you will be comfortable doing in the future. Other related articles you may be interested in are Marketing Campaign Proposal TemplateEvent Budget Proposal Template, and Sales Training Proposal Template.

Basic Proposal Outline

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Blank Project Proposal Template

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Project Proposal Format Template

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How to Make a Freelance Writing Proposal

Want to write a freelance writer proposal, but don’t know how to do it or where to start? Well, here are some easy-to-follow steps that will guide you in making your own proposal.

  • You will need to have enough knowledge and understanding about proposals before you actually start making one. So the first step would have to be educating yourself about proposals and doing research, specifically on freelance writing proposals.
  • The next step would be looking for a proposal template that best fits your needs. You can decide to use the template as your own or use it as reference in writing your own proposal.
  • Fill in the proposal template with the required information and make necessary changes to it as you see fit. Remember to incorporate all of the things that you have learned about proposals and use the tips provided.
  • Insert your portfolio in your completed proposal.
  • Review your work once you are done adding the necessary information. Keep an eye on grammar and spelling errors. An error free work will appear professional and reliable.
  • Submit your work as instructed by the client and be ready to answer questions that they may throw at you.

Other related articles you may find useful are Social Media Marketing Proposal TemplateCapital Investment Proposal Samples & Templates, and Small Business Investment Proposal Samples & Templates.

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