History is one important field of study that many people are interested to study, analyze, and interpret past events that helped shape the world in its present state. With so many events that have happened since the beginning of time, historians can never exhaust all opportunities to find new relevant information that happened in yesteryears. If you are a historian or someone who wants to conduct historical research, you need academic support to help you carry out your research. You need a proposal to help convince these people to help you in your crusade. To ensure your history research proposal will be greenlighted, it must have a solid foundation and should give a significant contribution to the history field. Read the article to help you create your historical research proposal.

10+ History Proposal Samples

1. History Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 148 KB


2. History Art Research Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32 KB


3. History Collaborative Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 58 KB


4. Project History Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


5. Student History Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


6. History Research Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 446 KB


7. History Day Topic Proposal Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 15 KB


8. Oral History Interview Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 125 KB


9. History Education Course Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 298 KB


10. History Department Thesis Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


11. History Culture Dissertation Proposal

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB


What is a Historical Research?

Historical research studies the meaning of past events to interpret the facts and explain the cause of events, and their effect in the present world. This type of research In doing so, researchers rely mainly on primary historical data such as direct accounts of eyewitnesses of particular events, archival data such as official documents, personal records, photos, and video evidence. Historical research can help resurface new information regarding a historical event and even help preserve historical data so it doesn’t get lost forever.

How to Write a History Proposal

When you write a research proposal sample in history, it is important to make sure that you’re hitting the main goal which is that your research is worth doing and realistic and manageable enough to do within a set period of time.

1. Come Up With a Title Page

To come up with a concise, clear, and descriptive title for your history research proposal it has to specifically focus on your research topic. Your title must be written after you’ve written the rest of your research proposal. Make sure your title is sample brief.  The next part is to put your personal information below the title. Put also your position in your college or your academic title.

2. Write the Summary Statement

This section is where you write your one-page summary that provides a quick overview of the research topic. Here, you will summarize the whole research. To help you write the executive summary, it must be written after you wrote your proposal. You only need to focus on the relevant information and highlights of your research proposal.

3. Include Your Literature Review

The next section is where you provide your supporting materials and studies that aids your research topic. Since you will be smacked with information overload, it’s important to only pick the relevant information related to your research. You can do it by choosing the materials that focus on the most significant contributions that were made by the other historians. This will help you discuss the theoretical part that you will use to support your research and specify the central problem that you will use as your motive for your research.

4. Describe the Methodology

The methodology section is where you’re going to describe how you will deal with the problem of your research. It is where you list down in great detail the kind of work and activities you’ll have to take to complete the project successfully. Your methodology should have the following information:

  • Location for your historical research and the participants as subjects of the research
  • The instruments and resources you will use to gather data
  • Method of collecting data
  • Method of data review, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Discussion of possible obstacles on collecting data


What are good topics for a history research paper?

There might be an endless amount of diverse topics in history that you can use in your research paper, however, it is important to consider your readers. Make sure that these studies are relevant and interesting enough to gather more readers to read your paper. On that note, some good topics to use for a history research paper are ancient history, modern history, US Civil War, world history, world war 2, African-American history, and 20th-century history.

Why is it important to study history?

It is important to case study history because it helps you develop an understanding of the world, understand your own identity, learn mistakes from the past, and make you become a more rounded person.

At the back part of your proposal, include an appendix of the supporting documents that you used in your proposal. It is also important to credit your sources. Don’t forget to proofread your work. Your paper must be free from grammatical and spelling errors.  Make sure your history paper sample title and its general content correspond to each other. Your writing style must be clear and reasonable enough for your readers to understand your paper well. To help you get started on writing your proposal, download our free sample templates provided above to serve as your guide.