6+ Impact Evaluation Proposal Samples

Impact assessments frequently include an accountability function to determine the effectiveness of a program. Impact analyses can also assist in determining the most effective course of action among several possibilities when it comes to program design. Impact evaluation is often used for summative objectives. Ideally, a summative impact evaluation does not just generate data about ‘what works’ but also gives knowledge about what is needed to make the intervention effective for diverse populations in varied circumstances. In order to effectively evaluate an impact, an adequate evaluation design and work proposal must be created. In certain organizations, evaluation work proposals are also known as terms of reference. Need some help with creating one? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made samples of Impact Evaluation Proposals in PDF and DOC format that you could use for your benefit. Keep on reading to find out more!

1. Impact Evaluation Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 MB


2. Technical Impact Evaluation Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 825 KB


3. Project Impact Evaluation Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 203 KB


4. Experimental Impact Evaluation Proposal

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  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


5. Sample Impact Evaluation Proposal

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  • PDF

Size: 696 KB


6. Simple Impact Evaluation Proposal

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  • PDF

Size: 614 KB


7. Impact Evaluation Proposal Example

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  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


What Is a Impact Evaluation?

A rigorous methodology is used in an impact evaluation to identify the changes in outcomes that can be directly linked to a particular intervention using cause-and-effect analysis. Impact assessments must incorporate the counterfactual – what would have happened in the absence of the intervention – by utilizing an experimental or quasi-experimental design with comparison and treatment groups. An strategy of evaluating the impact of an intervention that compares the outcomes of an experimental group or groups with a control group that was randomly assigned in order to determine the mean net impact of the intervention.

How to Make an Impact Evaluation Proposal

The goal, scope, and objectives of the assessment, the main evaluation questions, designs and procedures, and more are all included in the work proposal. An Impact Evaluation Proposal Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust proposal on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, follow these steps below to guide you:

1. Give the background and setting.

Information on the history of the intervention under evaluation is provided in this section. The description should be succinct, limited to one page, and concentrate only on the evaluation’s key issues, such as the intervention’s intended goals, its timeline and the progress made as of the evaluation, its major participants, and any organizational, social, political, and economic factors that might affect how it is carried out.

2. Identify the scope, objectives, and purpose of the impact evaluation..

The aim, objectives, and scope of the assessment, as well as some of its other crucial criteria, must be decided upon through consultation with the main stakeholders. What the evaluation is trying to find out is reflected in the research and evaluation goal. It may be done to assess the impact and examine the causes causing it.

3. List the main inquiries for the effect evaluation.

Impact evaluations have to concentrate on the main evaluation issues that correspond to the evaluation’s stated purpose. Impact assessments often provide answers to three different sorts of queries: descriptive, causal, or evaluative. Each sort of issue may be addressed by combining various research methodologies, data gathering techniques, and analytic techniques.

4. Design and implement strategies for impact evaluation.

The choice of methodologies and designs for impact evaluation of interventions is not simple and comes with a unique set of obstacles since measuring direct causes and effects may be rather challenging. There is no one proper approach to conduct an impact evaluation; instead, all available possibilities should be discussed, and a variety of techniques and designs should be combined depending on the circumstances.


What can impact analysis serve as a tool for?

Analyzing the effects of modifications to the deployed product or application is the definition of impact analysis. It provides details on the parts of the system that may be impacted by changes to a certain portion or set of an application’s features.

What does project management impact evaluation entail?

In order to identify the changes in outcomes that may be directly linked to a particular intervention based on cause-and-effect analysis, impact evaluations rely on rigorous methodologies.

Why are impact studies such an important tool for decision-makers?

It may swiftly produce results that are customized, supporting decisions in real time and increasing the likelihood that research findings will influence and enhance development decisions.

Overall, this concept enables you to recognize crucial business processes and foresee the effects that an interruption of one of those processes might have. Additionally, it enables us to compile the data required to create recovery plans and reduce possible losses. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive samples of Impact Evaluation Proposals today!

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