Nonprofit organizations are tax-exempt organization, which means that they do not pay income tax with the money that they are earning or getting. These organizations are dedicated to furthering a certain social cause, such as the welfare of women and children, education, public health, etc. A nonprofit organization earns money through in-kind or cash donations. Of course, these donations just don’t happen out of the blue. Nonprofit organizations create nonprofit proposals to help them gather support or funds for the cause that they are fighting for. Check out the sample proposals below to learn more about nonprofit proposals.

Nonprofit Proposal Samples

1. Nonprofit Partnership Proposal Template

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2. Nonprofit Sponsorship Proposal Template

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  • Pages
  • PDF


3. Nonprofit Grant Proposal Template

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  • Pages
  • PDF


4. Nonprofit Fundraising Proposal Template

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5. Sample Nonprofit Proposal Template

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Size: 229 KB


How do you write a proposal? You can learn how to write a proposal in general by simply checking out samples and templates that are appropriate or relevant to the proposal that you need to make. A writing guide will also be a good choice, especially if you are a complete beginner or just starting out with your very first proposal writing experience. There are a lot of things that you can lear out of this proposal writing guides and you’ll be able to get hold of useful tips as well.

6. Sample Nonprofit Grant Proposal Template

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Size: 203 KB


A grant proposal is used when requesting for monetary grants or support from within an organization or from other organizations or individuals. Nonprofits make this kind of proposal if it is appropriate for their needs. If you are writing one, you can use this sample to help you in the process of requesting for funding or support. The document includes a sample cover letter, a sample cover page, and a sample letter grant format proposal for foundations.

7. Sample Nonprofit Indirect Cost Proposal Format

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Size: 29 KB


Use this proposal sample as your sample reference if you need help with doing the layout, format and content of the proposal you are working on. This proposal is detailed but made really simple so that you can browse through all of its contents easily. The key to a well-written proposal is that it can be easily read and understood by its readers. You can view this sample to learn more about it.

8. Nonprofit Organization Funding Proposal Template

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Size: 125 KB


This is another sample of a grant proposal that is used for requesting funding or support. The problem presented in this sample has to do with the health risks that the police force of a certain city is developing, thus the need to start a sample program to monitor their health. It is a detailed 11-paged sample provided solely as reference for those requesting to get a copy of a grant proposal sample that they can use as a guide to help them write successful proposals.

9. Sample Nonprofit Sponsorship Proposal Template

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Size: 1 MB


Who says that all proposals should look boring and generic? Well, they have actually never seen a proposal like the sample shown above. This proposal sample has a refreshing look to it. It uses a simple design with a touch of green which helps the eyes relax and readers get more interested with every page they scan. You can use the same design review on your proposal or create a simple one to add a personal touch to it. Incorporating modern designs and ideas to your proposal writing will help you get more attention to it.

10. Nonprofit Charity Event Proposal Template

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Size: 68 KB


Charity events won’t be possible without the help of sponsors who donate to make the event possible. In any charity event, a budget proposal is necessary in the planning of the event itself as well as in keeping track of the things or activities where the requested funds should be spent on. Making a proposal for an upcoming charity event will be easier if you use this sample as your reference. Checking it out will surely be worth your while.

11. Basic Nonprofit Project Proposal Template

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Size: 43 KB


A project proposal is created to present the details of a new project or job to potential supporters or investors. The project being proposed in the sample above is about building a home for orphaned children. The proposal is four pages long and is made of an introduction, proposal mission, project overview, summary, project objectives, project activities, methodology, cost tables, etc. This proposal sample is short and simple, and your readers will definitely read it from start to finish.

12. Charity Open Request for Proposal Template

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Size: 149 KB


What is a request for proposal? A request for proposal is a document that calls out different entities or organizations who have relevant skills or experiences in a particular job or project. Interested parties are requested to give their response to the request through a proposal. If you need help with starting your own request for proposal document, you are free to use this sample as your reference. It will assist you in the preparation and creation of your own request for proposal document.

13. Foundation Proposal for Support Template

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Size: 2 MB


Proposals are often specific to the cause that they need support on, just like this sample proposal above. The foundation is focused on a certain health condition called a fistula. Details about the said terms and conditions are laid out in the proposal to help readers get an idea on what it is and understand why support is needed. The sample makes a good reference material if you need assistance in writing your own proposal that is specific to a certain cause.

14. Standard Proposal Outline Sample for Foundation Template

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Size: 46 KB


Proposal writing can be made easy and convenient if you know which resources to use and where to find them. The internet is obviously the best place to look for samples, templates, and outlines that will help you easily make a good proposal. You can check out the outline sample above and use it to help you write a reliable and useful proposal.

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