Are you a video production company or a freelance video photographer looking for new clients to work with to showcase your video shooting and editing skills? Writing a video proposal is the first step in finding a client for your production. Whether you can create a feature-length film video or a short video, a proposal is always the first step to working with a client. Making video proposals can be challenging since you have to customize them according to the client’s needs and tastes, you have to be creative with your ideas, and you have to make sure it sounds enticing and persuasive enough that your client cannot say no to it. If you want to know how a video proposal is written, this article will guide you on how to do that.

10+ Short Video Proposal Samples

1. Production of Short Video Proposal

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  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


2. Film Editing and Short Video Compilation Proposal

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  • PDF

Size: 174 KB


3. Short Video Highlighting Proposal

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  • PDF

Size: 578 KB


4. Short Video Clip Call for Proposal

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Size: 578 KB


5. Short Video Website Design and Development Proposal

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Size: 205 KB


6. Short Video Production Service Proposal

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Size: 141 KB


7. Samples Short Video Proposal

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Size: 118 KB


8. Short Video of Dramatic Scenes Proposal

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Size: 114 KB


9. Printable Short Video Proposal

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Size: 147 KB


10. Basic Short Video Production Proposal

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Size: 140 KB


11. Short Educational Videos Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 566 KB


What is a Video Photography?

Video photography or also called videography refers to the process of capturing motion pictures on electronic media such as videotape, direct to disk recording, and streaming media. A commercial motion picture production is called cinematography. Cinematography is usually the term used in filming TV shows or films.

Details to Include in a Short Video Proposal

A video proposal does not need to have several pages long; a one-page proposal will suffice for a lot of production heads. The details mentioned below should be included in the proposal:

  1. Objectives: Begin the proposal with a short, simple, and straightforward sentence that provides the main objective of the project. Include dates and locations if your short video is shooting an event.
  2. Company overview: Whether you’re a production company or a small videography business, or working alone as a freelance videographer, you need to prove to the client how you’re qualified to work with them. You share about the knowledge and experience you have that makes you unique, a shortened list of your previous clients and if applicable, testimonials from them. Don’t be shy to mention your strengths and skills but don’t exaggerate anything.
  3. Description of the short video:  Write the whole story of the video that you’re shooting. Put headings and subheads for the important plot points or sections, events, basic facts, or lessons that you want to convey in your video. Explain the beginning, middle, and conclusion of the video. Don’t forget to include the characters and settings of the video. Keep it short and sweet by only sticking to the most important facts. 
  4. Key messages:  First, write a short paragraph about your target audience. Write a short sentence that summarizes the central point of your video and what message you hope your audience to get from the video. 
  5. Scope of the project: Give the details about the behind-the-scenes or also known as the production part of the project. Provide a short introduction on what services you will be providing and then move on the providing more detailed details regarding the:
    1. Pre-production process: making of the script, planning for the shooting scenes, preparing the cast and crew, scouting for locations, preparing the video equipment, etc.
    2. Production process: The actual shooting of the scenes.
    3. Post-production process: The editing of the scenes such as adding video effects polishing them to create the final format of the video.
    4. Cost of the whole video production process starting from the beginning until the end date. Include a budget table to make it easier for the client to understand especially if the whole process requires a lot of costs.
    5. Payment method to transfer the payment to you to cover the costs.


What skills do you need to be a videographer?

To be a videographer, one must be creative, passionate in creating stories through videos, have great video editing and communication skills.

Why are videos important?

Videos are important to convey messages through a visual form. Furthermore, it lets the messenger establish authority in presenting their visual story by adding a more personal feel to your message to be able to connect emotionally with your audience.

How much does a one minute video cost?

The average cost of video production per minute is between $1,000 and $10,000, depending on how elaborate the production is.

Take your time to create the proposal to ensure that its contents are written concisely. Make sure to revise any spelling or grammatical mistakes and inaccurate information you’ve accidentally input. Include a feedback process for your clients to let them air out their opinion, suggestions, and concerns to you regarding the video. To help you get started writing the proposal, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!

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