For business related trips, part of the travel budget are the travel expenses. Aside from the per diem given by the company, travel expenses can be either unusual costs due to special circumstances or those that are part of the travel plans. When a company decides to send its employees to a business trip then allocating a budget for this initially done through a travel expense proposal. This is how top management would base their approval to push through with the travel. Budget may be one of the major factors to consider when planning for a business trip, but there are also other important factors as well. Let us further discuss a travel expense proposal in our article below and do check out our free travel expense proposal samples as well.
3+ Travel Expense Proposal Samples
1. Travel Expense Proposal Template

2. Travel Expense System Proposal
3. Travel Expense Reimbursement Program Proposal
4. Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy Proposal
What Is a Travel Expense Proposal?
In a business scenario, a travel expense is a cost incurred when an employee goes on a business or work related trip outside their workplace. As long as the expense is related to the business trip and there are official receipts or other documents as proof, then the cost incurred by the employee would be reimbursed by the company. Travel expenses can be a very significant cost for organizations if their workers need to be away from the base location regularly. In fact several companies who need to constantly move their employees not just locally but also internationally would need their own travel agent to take care of corporate travel management needs. And a part of this is trying to look of the best possible cost effective travel package. Whether your company has engaged with a travel agent or has meticulously scour the internet researching for the cost of sending off an employee for business travel, one thing is for sure, you will need a travel expense proposal in order to get an approval from whoever is the decision-maker in the company. This document is more or less way to persuade your manager that the benefits associated with the travel more than outweigh the costs. This will allow your manager to justify the cost of the trip.
How To Write A Travel Expense Proposal?
If you are an employee and there is a need for you to travel, before you can come up with your travel expense proposal, you will need to gather several data or information that you can incorporate in your proposal. Remember, this particular proposal is needed to help convince your manager or whoever is the decision maker in your company to approve your request so it is crucial to get your facts straight. Here are the following tips you need to go through before you can write your travel expense proposal.
- First you need to sort out the basic necessities when travelling and like where you need to go, how many days you need to be in a particular destination, what are the modes of transportation needed (rail, air, car, ferry), and accommodations. If your company permits you to seek help from a travel agent, then you may forward these details to them. Let them know what is your budget and if you need other alternatives so you can have variety to choose from.
- If you are doing all the travel research by yourself then you can still over the following mentioned above and summarize all relevant data needed for your proposal.
- Also try to consider other expenses that may occur while you are on travel.
Now that you have the information need to include in your travel expense proposal, you can start writing the proposal. Here are some items you must consider to include:
1. Cover Letter
To start with your proposal, you need a cover letter and address it to the decision maker of the company. In some cases, business travel must undergo a lot of phases of approval most especially if the travel would take the the employee away from his or her workplace for several months. Also in this section, you will need to give an overview of the reason or need to go on a business travel–and does it in anyway benefits the company or the employee. If this is related to an event, then state the purpose of the event. Don’t forget to include the travel dates as well.
2. Proof or Recommendation for Business Travel
Business travel can mean a lot of things, this can be for anything sales or operations related, employee trainings, incentive trips, attending a conference or seminars and many more. So, whatever the reason this may be it is important to include any proof or recommendation that an employee needs to travel. This may come in a form of an invitation, a request or travel authority. Attached these documents to further help convince your manager your need to travel and for an approval for the travel expenses or budget.
3. Travel Details
Now, in some cases when there is a need for an employee to travel especially if is by invitation, travel incentive or a request from another relevant party–that they would shoulder some of the travel expenses. So you may want to go over any invitation or request and check to what extent will the other party cover your travel expenses. In that way, you do not need to include this in this section of the proposal. But let it be known to your manager about the terms and conditions set upon the other party who has given the invitation or request. But if the business travel is shouldered entirely by the company then based on your initial research or as you have requested from a travel agent, write down the travel details such as the travel itinerary, description and the corresponding estimated costs. Don’t forget to attach any relevant travel quotations you have to back up the costs you have written down.
What Is Business Travel?
Business travel or corporate travel is a specifically taken for work or a purpose of doing business with someone else.
Is Business Travel Important?
Yes, it can be quite important for a company as this can shorten the gaps between other companies, enhance an employees interpersonal skills, create new business venture and etc.
What Is Expense Reimbursement?
Whenever an employee incurs cost that is related to his or her work, as long as he or she has a proof of the expense for example and official receipt then the employee is entitled to an expense reimbursement. Which is the process allows employers to pay back employees who have spent their own money for business-related expenses.
Each company has its own allocated budget for business travel, so it is important to include all relevant details in your travel expense proposal. This will help you gain your managers approval so you may push through with your work related travel.
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