A great way to expose yourself to the community around you and provide community services at the same time is to conduct a volunteer project. Volunteer projects are great opportunities to meet new people and extend help in and around your chosen community.  It can be from a non-profit business, fundraising programs, to tutoring or teaching in your local schools, these are some of the most frequently performed volunteer activities in some volunteer organizations. Volunteer projects aim to reach out to communities and provide any sort of assistance that a community might need help with. It’s a great way to teach yourself and the rest of your members a thing or two about empathy, curiosity, and initiative to become a powerful driving force of a successful non-profit organization.

When conducting any sort of project, especially ones that need to be communicated to a target community, it is important to gather support from the community where the project will be conducted. This and more can easily be done with the help of a volunteer project proposal. Project proposals can easily help with presenting the plans for the project and showcase the background of the project developers and the organization that they are working with, along with the past projects that they have conducted. It also allows them to highlight other important details like costs, payments, terms, licenses, and other relevant pieces of information.

The goal of the document is to convince potential partners for the project and the local government of the target community to join and assist you in your endeavor. A well written project proposal can easily do that and more for the most part. Secure funding and other resources, even garner partnerships from other volunteer organizations. But before you can draft this document, make sure that you are sufficiently knowledgeable with the ins and outs of the document like how it works and what it looks like. To do that, check out these volunteer project proposal samples that we have listed for you down below. Once you have acquainted yourself with the document, feel free to use these as guides or even as templates for your  own volunteer project proposal.

10+ Volunteer Project Proposal Samples

1. Volunteer Project Proposal Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 73 KB


2. Volunteer Project Proposal Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 112 KB


3. Volunteer Project Proposal and Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


4. Formal Volunteer Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 565 KB


5. General Volunteer Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 118 KB


6. Volunteer Service Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 179 KB


7. Printable Volunteer Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. Standard Volunteer Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


9. Volunteer Project Proposal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 133 KB


10. Professional Volunteer Project Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


11. Basic Volunteer Project Proposal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 98 KB


What Is a Volunteer Project Proposal?

A project proposal is one of the few initial documents drafted to initially define both the internal and external aspects of your volunteer project. It includes other sections like tile, start and end dates, the objectives and the goals of your project, its requirements, and a descriptor of the project and its solutions. It essentially works as a living document between the initial project developer or organizer, and the potential partners or investors that might be willing to work with you. it is drafted and presented prior to the project’s initial development, so it can also be used as a defining document for the project’s objectives and  the requirements needed for the project to begin.

It can also help identify the method to help analyze if the project is feasible or not. The main goal of the document is to convince these potential partners, like investors or local government units, to sponsor and help bring the project into reality. It’s a great way to secure funding, especially if you and your project proposal can manage to pull it off.

How To Write a Volunteer Project Proposal

You can think of a project proposal as an elaborate marketing device. Used to market the initial idea of the project to potential partners and investors. Presenting the possible benefits of the projects and other great results it may bring. Since we want to get these people and these entities on our side, it is best to draft the document specific to the nature and scale of the project that you want to propose, hence a project proposal. Keep in mind that we want to gather key people like decision makers and investors to help turn your vision into reality. Let the document speak for itself, and make them realize that this project is what they really want. Listed below are the steps that you need to follow and keep in mind to achieve these.

  1. Define the problem
    Start strong with your introduction by talking about the problem that your project intends to deal with. Explain why this problem needs to be solved and how your project can greatly contribute to changing the status quo. Make sure that your pitch  resonates with your readers by using data that is supported by real world facts. Keep it grounded, don’t exaggerate.
  2. Present your solution
    Present your project as a solution to the problem that you’ve initially identified. Explain why your solution is better than the previous solutions that were presented. Discuss why this approach and the strategies that you’ll be using works best. Prepare yourself for further questions and inquiries and anticipate defending your stand.
  3. Deliverables and criteria for success
    Provide a clear picture of the functions and the attributes of your project deliverables by outlining a clear method of knowing if the project is successful or not. It would also be best to provide an estimated span of time in which you’ll work on your project and the expected completion date.
  4. State your plan
    Talk about the project strategies and the methods you plan to take to achieve your plan’s objectives within the estimated timeframe that you’ve initially provided. Include what approach you’ll be using in problem solving like hiring third-party contractors or consultants. All these and other relevant information regarding your project should be present in your project proposal.
  5. Schedule and overall budget
    Break down the project costs by placing it in sections like supplies, tools, and other expenses including indirect costs. This should be in line with the rough timeline that you’ve initially set. A properly laid out budget and budget plan will impress the potential shareholders by showing them how much you’ve prepared  and how ready you are to begin with the project development.
  6. Summary and conclusion
    Tie the loose ends of your proposal by writing a clear and comprehensive conclusion covering all the things that you’ve talked about in your document. Circle back to the initial problem and reiterate the strategies that you’ve presented. Emphasize the more significant parts, especially sections that you want your readers to remember.
  7. Review and proofread
    Before wrapping your document up and submitting it, make sure that you’ve gone over it one last time, making sure that everything is in the right place with the right tone. Also check for typographical and grammatical errors.


What are examples of volunteering?

Most popular volunteer activities include fundraising, tutoring, and teaching.

What skills are needed  for volunteering?

  • Commmitment
  • Communication
  • Compassion
  • Leadership
  • Strong work ethic
  • Teamwork
  • Time Management

How long should a project proposal be?

The length of a project proposal depends on the scale and the scope of the project that you will be working on. However, it is fairly usual for project proposals to be around 4-7 pages long.

Writing a project proposal is no easy task. It also has quite the weight into it because it literally dictates the fate of your project and whether or not you’ll move into the initial stages of  the development. With the tips and templates we provided above, you should be more than ready to draft your own project proposal with ease and confidence.