Setting and managing a client’s expectations before and during a project are among the most important tasks you have as a web designer. Even when you’re explaining a project to a client, the client may be thinking one thing when you mean something else. Make sure that the full range of services you do and don’t provide is clearly outlined in the proposal. If you don’t have any formal write-up, you will have a difficult time describing why a certain feature was left out of a project or why the schedule suddenly changed. Creating a compelling website design proposal is definitely a game changer when it comes to convincing the prospect clients that you are the best web designer suitable for their needs. In this article, we provide you some downloadable project proposal samples plus helpful tips to guide you.
FREE 7+ Website Project Proposal Samples
1. Website Project Proposal Template

2. Project Proposal Template

3. Website Development Proposal
4. Sample Website Project Proposal
5. Website Design Project Proposal
6. E-commerce Website Proposal Template
7. University Website Project Proposal
8. Sample Website Design Proposal
What is a Website Project Proposal?
A website project proposal appears to be the sales marketing document that sets up a relationship between a web designer and the client. Creating a proposal allows the web designer to establish a formal, logical presentation to a prospective client. Generally, projects are drafted during one of the early stages of your project (before detailed plans are created and resources are allocated). Thus, time and budget estimates are often rough, at best.
How to Create a Website Project Proposal?
One of the most significant business tasks that creative professionals embark upon is the creation of fine-tuned design proposals that land work. So, this clearly shows that you should be an expert in writing successful web design proposals in order to bring new customers. However, we all know that it is really challenging and stressful to spend lots of hours just to polish every project proposal. Yes, your priority is actually building websites, but an appealing website project proposal can give you many opportunities in doing that job. Below are some major factors that you should consider while writing your website project proposal:
1. Set client responsibilities for the project
Lisa Lopuck, the author of “Web Design for Dummies”, highly suggested making sure to discuss specifically and seriously with clients at the start of the website project. They must understand that the project will halt in its tracks if they don’t reach their deadlines for delivering the necessary content or approvals to you. For some reason, clients usually think that they don’t have to do a single thing after signing the contract. They don’t realize that you can’t do your work without taking content from them.
For instance, you will need photos and information for each of the client’s products when you build the website’s product section. The client must give access to the materials or resources in the timely manner, unless taking new photos and copywriting are part of your project proposal.
2. Identify your client’s specific problems and needs
According to an article written by Dianna Gunn of CodeinWP, she said that you should begin with one paragraph describing your usual clients and the problems they have. You need to customize this for individual proposals, so focus only the most frequent issues.
Here are some examples of problems she provided that you might want to add in your website proposal template:
- Heightened competition online that results in lower traffic
- Failure to keep or convert mobile traffic
- Low ranking in search engines
3. Assess your resources, abilities, and availability
Based on an article by Simon Shocket of Elementor, doing a careful assessment whether you have all the skills and expertise needed to provide your clients with the site they want is vital in your website project proposal. Determine if you will require to outsource work to developers, content creators, photographers, animators, graphic designers, etc. If so, calculate the price. What about the duration of the work after receiving all the essential materials? Considering these matters will greatly help you in fully recognizing the cost and the scope of the project.
4. Inform your clients about the pricing
Cody Landefeld explained in his article that a good pricing model teaches clients about the real costs to them and to the website designer or developer they choose. Pricing models or pricing guides are wonderful tools to display the basic website design prices which are integral to create a simple, functioning website.The pricing guide also provides a checklist to make it as easy as possible to see upfront and continual costs.
A website project proposal is a formal document to present to your prospect clients so that they are able to look into your design solutions. It helps them to see and contemplate if you have what it takes to gain their trust in allowing you to build the website they really need for their respective businesses. Think of a web design portfolio but in a customized written thesis form that specifically solves the problem and caters the needs of your client. What is the purpose of a website project proposal ?
The main factors to consider are the following:What should I consider in my website project proposal?
The length of your project proposal for building websites depends on your client’s needs. After determining your client’s specific needs, then you can decide whether you will write a short or long website project proposal. Your proposal should address the question of what you plan to accomplish in the web design project and why you want to and how you are going to do it. How long is a project proposal?
Think of a unique title that attracts the attention of your clients and keeps them interested in the long run like what an advertising agency does. Write a clear and effective introduction. Inform them about your materials and resources while developing the website. Explain thoroughly the implementation of your methods as you establish it. Add some predictions to further motivate your clients. Lastly, discuss the possible advantages of your website project.How do you start a website proposal essay?
Therefore, having an attractive website project proposal will surely help you in getting more clients. Also, it will give the customers a unique impression regarding your skills and expertise in designing and developing websites. To assist you in creating fantastic project proposals, here are some downloadable website project proposal samples in MS Word, Google Docs, Pages, and PDF formats. Click the templates here and start downloading now!
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