Imagine working in a kitchen, where your senses feast on the sight, the smell, the feel, and the taste of food. It is definitely one of the best things in life, especially when you get to do the cooking. But just like any other jobs in the planet, the challenges are just looming under the surface.

Catering businesses have got it great and rough, what with the fun of making food, getting to taste stuff for free, and getting to see the smiles on their customers’ faces. But little does everyone know the lengthy preparations of the menu, getting the ingredients, measurements, and the taste right, and well, the bit on the pricing and charging of the customers. But before your MasterChef daydreams spoil into Hell’s Kitchen, let me tell you that we’ve got you covered! These free Quotation Samples will never spoil your work appetite!

Editable Catering Quotation Template

editable catering quotation template


Sample Food Catering Quotation

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Catering Services Quotation

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Outdoor Catering Quotation

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Catering Equipment Quotation

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Catering is a group of individuals who provide food, beverages, and servers to birthdays, weddings, celebratory soirees, and all that jazz.

A catering quotation is a document that caterers hand out to their customers. It contains a detailed billing of all the services rendered by the caterers—from the dishes served down to the servers and other culinary paraphernalia.

Parties can’t be without food. If a party has a party planner that ensures the order and the success of a celebration, culinary businesses have planners too, that leads the preparation of the entire menu, the expediting and serving. A quotation organizes the list of services the business offers and helps in managing the accounts and costs. It also informs and assures the hosts that the service have done their tasks. You can browse through our Price Quotation Samples.

Bruce Mattel and The Culinary Institute of America made a list of the top qualities a successful caterer must have and some of them are

  • outstanding organizational and time management skills,
  • must be friendly and hospitable,
  • must be good in communicating,
  • good multitasking ability and grace under pressure, and
  • basic mathematical and accounting acumen.

Basically, what they are implying is that a caterer must see to it that it gives the best service, from customer relations like friendliness and hospitality to accounting skills. They also point out the importance of good communication skills since quotations come with letters addressed to the hosts. It would be mighty disrespectful of course if you, a caterer, only hand out the bills without acknowledging the client’s act of hiring your team in the first place.

One of the reasons why people hire caterers is that they want to save some time with the preparations. Catering, after all, is an early arrangement, which means the hosts call them some days or perhaps weeks before the event. Caterers should always up their game. And if you are looking for photographers to add pizzazz to your team, feel free to browse through our Photography Quote Samples.

Catering Price Quotation in PDF

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Catering Quotation Email

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Catering Company Quotation

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Catering Quotation Request

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Celebrations are markers of important happenings in somebody’s life, whether it’s a baby’s first birthday, or somebody’s wedding or simply someone’s first day on the job. These occasions should go on without a hitch. And if something’s going to go wrong, like the billing, see Repair Quote Samples because nothing’s really perfect, the food should not be it!

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