The business and corporate arena is rife with tight competition. Every business owner knows the painful struggle of gaining and keeping customers. It is for this reason that quotation proposals are essential. Almost all types of businesses could benefit from the act of submitting quotation proposals toward their potential clients. A quotation proposal allows business owners to communicate clearly to potential customers the prices of the items of products or services that they offer. Furthermore, quotation proposals also allow customers to negotiate the prices, terms of payment, delivery mode, and other transaction specifics. Due to this, more customers would be more inclined to avail of the products or services in a company since these companies adjust certain aspects of a transaction in order to cater to each potential customer’s needs.

Whether you are a business owner, a retail associate, or a sales clerk, you must be able to know how to create an appropriate and effective quotation proposal. For your guidance, we have collected a variety of Sales Quotation Proposal Samples that are very easy to download. These templates can provide you with the proper layout of the various types of quotation proposals. Scroll down below and download the templates that fits your business needs!

Product Quotation Template

product quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Cleaning Quotation Template

cleaning quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Builders Quotation Template

builders quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Contractor Quotation Template

contractor quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Audit Quotation Template

audit quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Purchase Quotation Samples in PDF

Hire Purchase Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 43 KB


Laptop Purchase quotation

File Format
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Size: 2 MB


Purchase Order Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Purchase Quotation Format

File Format
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Size: 859 KB


Catering Quotation Sample

Catering Company Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 676 KB


Food Catering Quotation

File Format
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Size: 73 KB


Catering Services Quotation

File Format
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Size: 58 KB


Cleaning Quotation Sample

Cleaning Contract Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 696 KB


Windows Cleaning Quotation

File Format
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Size: 98 KB


Cleaning Service Quotation

File Format
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Size: 267 kB


Glass Cleaning Quotation

File Format
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Size: 285 KB


Price Quotation Samples

Price Quotation Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


Service Price Quotation

File Format
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Size: 27 KB


Price Proposal & Quotation

File Format
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Size: 74 KB


Price Quotation Request

File Format
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Size: 86 KB


Website Quotation Samples

Website Development Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 108 KB


Website Maintenance Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


E-commerce Website Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 745 KB


Website Design Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 131 KB


What Is a Quotation Proposal?

A quotation proposal is a document that is prepared by business clerks and business owners in order to attract potential customers. The following are the reasons for the creation of a quotation proposal:

  • To inform potential customers regarding the proposed prices for each item of product or service that the potential customer might need.
  • To inform a potential customer regarding the mode of payment available for him/her should he/she decide to purchase the products or avail of the services enumerated in a quotation proposal.
  • To participate in a bidding process and effectively capture the attention of prospective clients/customers.
  • To allow interested potential customers to negotiate the various aspects of a quotation in order to fit their needs, as well as their financial capacity.

How to Write a Quotation Proposal?

The creation of a quotation proposal is not an easy task. However, it would be less difficult if you follow certain guidelines in how to create an effective one. The following are guidelines for the creation of quotation proposals that you must observe should you decide to create one:

  • Research before anything else

It is crucial that you know all the necessary information that must be included in your quotation proposal. You need to know the specific name your potential client, his/her address, contact number, and other pertinent details. It is also important to take note of the prices offered by your competitors as well as the common market price of each service or product that you are offering.

  • Label your document

One of the ways to capture the attention of potential customers is to label your quotation proposal appropriately. What you will do is that you write at the topmost part of your quotation the words, “Quotation Proposal.” It is best if you write this in bold letters. The font size should be the larger than the rest of the proposal’s contents.

  • State the name of your company

Visibility is important. Nothing can attract a customer than the level of professionalism that you display by indicating the complete name of your company or business. This would prompt the potential customers to hold your company in high regard.

  • State the name of your potential customer

When you state the complete name of your potential customer, whether its the name of an individual or a company, it is usually a sign of your enthusiasm in engaging them in business. Such enthusiasm is manifested by the fact that you have done enough research and background check on your potential customer, so much so that you are able to address the appropriate person, and state his/her complete name, as well as the title of his/her position in the company or organization (if applicable).

  • Create an itemized list

Preferably in a tabulated form, make an itemized list of the items that you are offering (products or services), its corresponding prices per unit, and discount prices if bought by bulk.

  • Indicate the total amount and other billable items

Before summing up the total amount that will be due should your customer accept your quotation proposal, you need to indicate the taxable items, as well as the delivery fee if there are any.

  • State the payment terms

There are various modes of payments that can be used in business transactions. You may provide your potential customers payment options such as cash on delivery, personal payment, through banking, etc.

  • State the delivery details

If your business in engaged in a business that provides materials by bulk, then usually these materials are delivered to your customers at a specific date and time. The details for the delivery should also be included in your quotation proposal.

  • Specify the expiry date of the quotation proposal

Due to the inflation of prices, the products and services that you offer are more likely affected by such fluctuations. That is why you need to indicate an expiry date for your quotation proposal in order to ensure that your business would not lose profit.

To have a more in-depth understanding of quotation proposals and its format, feel free to refer to our collection of Standard Quotation Forms. Access these by clicking on the link provided.

Sales Quotation Samples in PDF

Sales Service Quotation Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


Sales Product Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 112 KB


Computer Sales Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Sales Order Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 648 KB


Quotation Sample for Construction

House Construction Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Construction Project Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 80 KB


Building Construction Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


Construction Work Quotation

File Format
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Size: 580 KB


Service Quotation Samples

Security Service Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 229 KB


Customer Service Quotation Coordinator

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 113 KB


Travel Service Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 282 KB


Car Service Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


What Are the Essential Parts of a Quotation Proposal?

  • The word Quotation as the heading or title of the quotation document
  • The name of the business
  • The address and contact information of the business or company making the quotation
  • The staff of the company in charge of addressing inquiries regarding the quotation, price negotiations, and other pertinent concerns
  • The name of the potential buyer or customer
  • A column for the name of the items of products or services
  • A column for the specific price per unit of each item
  • A column for discounts if an item is bought in bulk (this is not applicable in all cases)
  • The terms of payment
  • The terms of warranty or the warranty clause
  • The date and time when the contents or prices stated in the quotation are still valid

Who Can Write Quotation Proposals?

Most of the time, a quotation is prepared by a business owner, a sales officer, or a business associate. The person preparing a quotation must have the following qualifications:

  • He/she must be familiar with all the services and products being offered by the company and for which he/she is preparing the quotation.
  • He/she must be well-informed of the price fluctuations of their products and services.
  • He/she must be capable of conducting research regarding the prices offered by competitors for the same products or services.
  • He/she must be able to adjust the prices in the quotation proposal in a way that the business can still gain profit while maintaining it at a level that is still affordable for the potential customers to actually decide to agree to such prices.
  • He/she must have good interpersonal skills in dealing with potential customers/buyers, suppliers, and other bidders.
  • He/she must be keen in knowing the latest bidding events that his/her company can take a part of.

What Is the Importance of Quotation Proposals in the Business Setting?

Quotations are essential to businesses since these are effective tools of magnetizing potential clients to engage in business with these said businesses/corporations. The following are the reasons why quotation proposals are important:

  • Quotations are used when there is an official bidding event that necessarily obligates the bidding companies to bring a quotation proposal during the bidding event or process.
  • Quotations are used when businesses or companies voluntarily submit their quotation without an invitation to do so.
  • Quotations are used when businesses or companies are asked or invited by a bidding committee or by a potential buyer to submit a quotation proposal.

Speaking of quotations, you may also check out our collection of Sample Quotations. Simply click on the link provided.

Vehicle Quotation Samples in PDF

Vehicle Rental Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 656 KB


Vehicle Hire Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 357 KB


Vehicle Finance Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166 KB


Vehicle Contract Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


Goods Quotation Samples

Goods Transport Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Goods Supply Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Goods Quotation Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


Goods Purchase Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


Sample Event Quotations

Event Management Price Quotation

File Format
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Size: 3 MB


Event Photography Quotation

File Format
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Size: 1 MB


Event Planner Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


Wedding Event Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 588 KB


Price Quotations

A price quotation is the most commonly used type of quotation proposal. The reason for this is the fact that price quotations can be used by most types of businesses. Whether it is a business engaged in providing services or a business that sells particular products or materials, a price quotation can be used. This type of quotation proposal usually consist of columns for the name of the products/services, the units/quantity per item, the specific prices, etc.

The following are the variations of price quotations:

  • Service Price Quotation
  • Product Price Quotation

Indeed, quotation proposals are easier to create if you refer to templates that can enlighten you regarding the proper format, layout, and contents of specific types of quotations. That’s why it would be immensely advantageous for you if you download the templates we offer on this page. For more reference regarding price quotations, you may check out the following link:

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