Potential clients often prepare two important documents whenever a project is underway, and this is a request for proposal (RFP) and request for quotation (RFQ). Both documents have fairly different structures and purposes, although an RFP would more or less include the general pricing details and terms, an RFQ has a piece of more in-depth information regarding the pricing of a certain product/materials or services. A request for quotation is an excellent tool for efficient and cost-effective sourcing. And this is particularly needed when businesses need a consistent supply of a specific number of standard products. To know more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need a prepare an RFQ, check out our free request for quotation samples that are available for download on this page.
10+ Request For Quotation Samples
1. Request For Quotation Template

2. Free Request for Quotation for Catering Services

3. Agency Request for Quotation Template

4. Exhibition Request for a Quotation
5. Company Request for Quotation
6. Job Order Contract Request for Quotation
7. Request for Quotations Scope of Work
8. Job Evaluation System Request for Quotation
9. Work Assignment Request for Quotation
10. Amendment of Request for Quotation
11. Public Works Project Request for Quotation
What Is a Request for Quotation?
It is common for businesses who are seeking a supplier or vendor to submit a request for quotation. This document details a buyer’s requirements and asks vendors, suppliers, or contractors to respond with pricing and payment terms. This is also an opportunity to bid for a chance to fulfill certain tasks or projects. In addition, clients are able to make better comparisons objectively. There is also a certain basis when using this document, for example, you may want to use an RFQ to purchase specific products, such as hardware, office supplies, or materials, or for indirect procurement. But if you need more details for complex products and services then you may want to use a request for proposal instead.
How To Create a Request For Quotation?
The use of a request for quotation reduces the time to procure goods, and comparison is done efficiently with all the information laid out for the supplier or vendor. Also, it also offers a degree of security as a company will receive bids only from vendors it prefers. Because RFQs reduce the amount of competition, a company may miss receiving the lowest-available price or learning about new high-quality vendors. To start preparing for a request for quotation, remember each RFQ is different from the other as each client has its own unique requirements. But here are some tips that can help you create a well-crafted request for quotation:
I. Business Needs
Before starting, make sure you understand and comprehend what your business exactly needs. It would cause further delays if you end up making a lot of changes and the supplier may also need to attend to your request. While you prepare, remember that the more detail you can provide, the more accurate and useful your vendor responses will be.
II. Executive Summary and Requirements
Once you start creating your RFQ, start with an executive summary to provide a bit of information about your company to your bidders and a detailed overview of the goods or services you wish to procure.
III. Pricing Information
You may opt to mention the budget or the price estimates for the type of service or goods you want to procure, so this will give your bidders an idea of how to go about with their pricing quotations. You may also add details if you need a thorough breakdown of the services and goods.
IV. Selection Criterion and Contract Requirements
Indicate the prequalification or minimum requirements to ensure the bidder is eligible to respond. You should disclose how you will select the successful bidder.
V. Timeline
If you need the materials or services for a project, then it is important to be clear about the length of the contract and include specific dates. This will give the bidders an idea if they have enough time to procure the materials or labor for you.
VI. Submission Dates
Always include the deadline of submission so the bidders may be able to submit their quotations on time.
VII. Contact Information
One way or another, your bidders may need to contact you for more information or clarification. That being said, don’t forget to include your contact details.
What Is a Price Quotation?
A price quotation or price quote is a written document or sometimes a verbal communication regarding certain prices of a particular item or service.
What Is a Bid Proposal?
A bid proposal is a document that a bidder forwards to a client that outlines the products or services, pricing, and time frame.
What Is Project Managment?
This involves planning and managing projects to achieve specific project objectives.
A request for proposal is a document that is often prepared by companies who need a detailed quotation from suppliers, vendors, or contractors. This is either used for an upcoming project or simply for business transactions. To make it easier for you to prepare, don’t forget to download our free templates above!
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