As a business owner or manager, there are times when your customers may find it more easy to engage in business with you if they are given the liberty or the option to change certain terms of a sales agreement even after such agreement has been formed or acquiesced to by both parties.

Luckily, you may be able to do this by sending your customers an invoice quotation instead of a mere invoice. An invoice quotation represents the existence of your legal obligation to deliver a good or service and your customer’s legal obligation to pay for such. At the same time, it also allows your customers to negotiate its terms. In creating an invoice quotation, it would show that your business has an admirable degree of professionalism and respectability if you pattern it to proper quotation format.

Proforma Invoice Quotation

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Size: 27 KB


Invoice Quotation in PDF

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Size: 16 KB


Tax Invoice Quotation

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Size: 141 KB


Proforma Invoice Request Quotation

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Size: 40 KB


What Is an Invoice Quotation?

An invoice quotation is otherwise known as a pro forma invoice. An invoice quotation is being served to notify customers regarding their balance as well as which goods they can expect to arrive at a specific time. The key element of an invoice quotation that sets it apart from a mere quotation or a mere invoice is the fact that it is a formal evidence of a sale. However, the amount and the terms of the sale can still be negotiated by the customer.

How to Write an Invoice Quotation?

The following are some guidelines for you to follow should you be in the process of creating an invoice quotation for your company:

  • In writing an invoice quotation, it is incredibly convenient if you pattern your invoice quotation to a properly formatted template such as the ones that can be found on this page. You may also choose to refer to our templates in our collections of quotation samples in PDF and the more basic sample quotations.
  • Write the basic elements of an invoice such as:
    • its label
    • your company’s letterhead
    • your customer’s basic information
  • Write all the items that your customer has agreed to purchase.
  • Indicate the prices and other fees.

Price Invoice Quotation

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Size: 99 KB


Invoice Quotation for Purchase Order

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Size: 37 KB


Difference between a Pro Forma Invoice and a Quotation

A pro forma invoice is a document that is sent after a customer has agreed to the terms of a sales agreement. It serves as a preliminary invoice as the amounts indicated in the pro forma invoice can still be changed. Just like the quotation, it can be changed through the negotiation between the customer and the business.

The main difference between a pro forma invoice and a quotation is that when a quotation is sent to a customer, there is still no sale being made. This means that with the quotation, both the business and the customer have no legal obligations toward the other. Meanwhile, when a pro forma invoice is being issued, there is already an agreement on the part of the buyer to deliver goods or services and for the customer to pay the items availed.

To know more about the specific kinds of quotations, you may check out our repair quote samples and graphic design quote templates.