Oftentimes companies and organizations may have the need to outsource certain experts and specialists in order to realize a particular project. These experts are asked to send a project quotation. This document serves as a derivative of an official project proposal.

Project Quotation Template

project quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Project Management Quotation Template

project management quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Web Project Quotation Template

web project quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Freelance Project Quotation Template

freelance project quotation template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Whether you are a software engineer, a software developer, a team building facilitator, or even a marketing analyst, you need to learn how to create a quotation for project proposals. Our templates on this page are very useful when it comes to guiding you as to the accurate project quotation format.

Software Project Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


Custom Project Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


Request Quotation for Construction Project

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


Project Proposal Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


Animation Project Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


What Is a Project Quotation?

A project quotation is a document that lists down all the actions that must be taken in order to complete a project. This does not only pertain to actions but also to the listing of materials that might be used in the process of completing a project.

Just like other types of quotations, it must have the precise pricings for each action, process, and material to be used and performed throughout the entirety of the project.

This project quotation serves as the basis of properly appropriating the financial resources of the project developer to each specific phase of the project. In a way, a project quotation outlines a detailed project plan as well as the project’s monetary costs.

To have a clear idea on how a project quotation looks like, download our sample quotations on this page. You can also check out our quotation samples in PDF.

Project Price Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 411 KB


Special Project Quotation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


Quotation for Project Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 212 KB


Project Estimation Quote

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 149 KB


Project Cost

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 278 KB


What Is a Request for Quotation in Project Management?

A request for quotation in project management is a written document that contains the formal request of a business owner or manager toward an independent project manager. The sole aim of the request is for the creation of a project management quotation.

Project management is the process of fabricating an action plan that effectively leads to the realization of a project and the implementation of an action plan. This also covers the overseeing of all the aspects of the project such as the management of financial resources (budgeting), manpower, and equipment.

In a way, a project management quotation can help in assessing whether or not a project is feasible through the itemization of its specific phases, actions, and costs.

Tips in Writing a Killer Quotation for Freelance Projects

Freelance projects usually require freelancers to provide specific services in order to ensure the completion of a project. In such cases, you may use our service quotation samples.

To save you time and effort, here are some helpful tips to remember while writing an effective quotation for freelance projects:

  • First examine the goal of the project.
  • Analyze the project in order to know the specific actions that can effectually realize the project goal.
  • Make an action plan that delineates all the specific requirements per action such as:
    • the persons to accomplish these actions
    • the specific materials needed
    • the service fee for each action or service provided
    • the pricings for the materials to be used
    • the amount for other expense

Speaking of quotations, we also have a collection of quotation samples for construction.

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