3+ Accomplishment Report for Nurses Samples
Accomplishment reports are a summary of professional achievements you’ve made throughout the course of period of time as a professional or registered nurse. With just few time allotted for this work, now is a good time to start compiling your successes this far. In this matter, an Accomplishment report is needed for the field of Nursing. These are the achievements you have acquired during the term or a period of time, that not only you can be proud of but also put it in your accomplishment records. With the importance of this matter, this should be made available anytime for the people involved in this field, could either be practitioners or supervisors, etc. To reduce the hassle of formulating this from the very scratch, our site offers you free, available, ready-made yet customizable Accomplishment Report for Nurses templates that could be at any way, suitable for you.
If you have or should encounter other template needs concerning reports, our site offers templates like Monthly Status Report, Project Weekly Status Report, Weekly Construction Progress Report, Individual School Report, Problem Solving Report, Daily Sales Report, Action Research Report, Construction Feasibility Report, Network Feasibility Report, etc. Our articles in SampleTemplates does not only give you free and ready-made templates but also provide you with relevant and useful ideas that are essential in making one.
1. Nurses Annual Accomplishment Report
2. Nurses Project Accomplishment Report
3. Nurses Monthly Accomplishment Report
4. Nurses Workforce Accomplishment Report
Achievements For Nursing
Candidates for this report should have accomplished in nursing in one of the following areas:
• scholarship,
• leadership,
• service or practice
Achievements may include using transferable nursing skills applied to promote or support interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and field-related collaboration and/or impact change in healthcare systems or the broader society, in an effort to support an institution’s vision of transforming global healthcare and making it available even to those who are less fortunate. These achievements should necessarily achieved after the basic or initial nursing program completion (first degree in nursing).
Potential For Scholarship
Involving themselves in evidence-based practice projects at the unit or at the institutional level.
• Engaging in quality improvement programs that bring changes to practice, patient healthcare and sanitary care, or organizational policies.
• Having received a research grant.
• Conducting research and disseminating the findings for knowledge generation,
• Having mentored the junior researchers,
• Publishing an article in an international and peer-evaluated professional journal.
• Presenting at a professional research conference.
• Disseminating scholarly and useful information via professional digital platforms including podcasts, blogs, and webinars, or any other platforms that could provide the public, Layman’s term information about the said topic.
• Formulating evidence-based educational programs for junior nurses.
• Designing and instituting educational models to influence nursing education among nursing aspirants
• Being recognized as an expert in a nursing or other health-related area, or medical related fields.
Leadership is a core to the society and the working field. It is not an innate set of skills, perspectives, or characteristics possesses by an individual; instead, leadership is something that occurs between people, groups, and systems. Leadership should constitute social responsibility in using knowledge and collective expertise, resulting in nursing action plans that transform the health of communities and environments. Transformation involves influencing the change of major choices individuals and groups make for lasting positive, sustainable change/s.
• Chairing a nursing or healthcare committee and collaborating with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary groups.
• Holding a leadership or supervisory position in a professional nursing, other health-related, or community organization/association where healthcare expertise is provided.
• Teaching others to help prepare them for leadership and supervisory positions.
• Engaging in healthcare policy development or advocacy work that is related to the field.
• Being recognized by an organization/institution/agency for the leadership in a specific area or on a specific project.
• Leading the development and implementation of original and primary-based nursing projects to improve patient health and sanitary or the functioning of the healthcare organization as a whole.
• Serving as an external consultant for issues or reviewer to professional or educational organizations.
What are examples of accomplishments?
Re-organized something to make it work better. Identified a problem and solved it. Come up with a new idea that improved things. Developed or implemented new procedures or systems. Worked on special projects. Received awards. Been complimented by your supervisor or co-workers.
How do you write a good accomplishment report?
Create a title, and center it at the top of the page. Use bold subheads to organize information. At the top of the report, provide the basics. Present the dates that are covered by the accomplishment report and the name and title of the person who prepared it.
It may not be easy for you to write these reports especially that it involves a lot of thinking to plan out relevant and useful ideas. But taking care of this will provide you great joy especially that it involves recognizing your achievements. With this, a great way for you to ease that burden of writing reports from scratch is available all available materials and resources that you can see online including this in SampleTemplates.