By definition, analysis is a process of having a compilation and review of the information pertaining to business objectives. It forms a conclusion and explains why a particular instance had happened so that you will be able to begin with providing a recommendation of a course of action. Every business owner should delegate responsibilities to his or her members to engage in analysis and reports. Analytical reporting has been one of the most essential part in the business intelligence. Companies have learned to adjust their strategies that are based on data from the respective reports.

5+ Analytical Business Report Samples

1. Analytical Business Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


2. Analytical Business Report Outline

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 156 KB


3. Analytical Assignment Business Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 511 KB


4. Analytical Business Data Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


5. Analytical Business Case Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 397 KB


6. Technical Analytical Business Study Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


What is Analytical Business Report?

An analytical business report is a type of report that uses both quantitative and qualitative data for analysis as well as to provide an evaluation of the business strategies and process to make decisions that are based on evidence and analytics. It should be based on statistics and historical data to be able to deliver a predictive analysis over a specific issue. Every marketing agency, for example, should be able to decide whether to allocate their budget differently which in some cases has different sources of the budget that has been invested. You may be having different sets of applications when having to write for this kind of report. The writing style and the way of generating a data is quite distinctive in every business industry.

Why is analytical business reporting important? Analytical business reports are considered as the gateway in business intelligence. Whenever your business in engaging in more competition, it will become more intelligent. It will empower you to become more informed and accurate in every decisions you make. It allows you to solve problems well and respond to the changes accurately. The following are the benefits of writing an analytical business report:

1. Communication and collaboration – this would give everyone who belongs in the business industry to be able to access and have some valuable insights. This will provide empowerment with the type of information they need in order to perform better in their roles while preventing any issues due to data inaccuracy.

2. Productivityanalytical reports will give you an overview of the processes and by having to gain another level of shared insights, it is possible that you can be able to streamline processes that are inefficient. However, it is your utmost duty to keep your team motivated so that they can focus more on the strategies that helps in business growth.

3. Innovation – this offers a wealth of having key performance indicators in one place. You can have data visualizations that are designed to provide an insight into your business functions and processes. With the use of a report analysis, you will be able to spot weaknesses, cope up with the trends, uncover patterns, and make accurate predictions. This will help you stand out and contribute to your business growth.

4. Evolution – this means keeping with the changes in order to thrive. Analytical business reports provides access to real-time data and other necessary features that will make you be empowered to respond into the changes. It helps you refine your business models while keeping down some operational costs and keeping your staff be constantly engaged. Having this report can allow you to make adjustments easily.


What are some of the changes that you can encounter while trying to analyze your business?

Some of the changes include making operational improvements, embracing innovations, and improving adaptations.

What is included in the content of an analytical business report?

It should have an introduction, overview, background, purpose, limitations, questions, conclusions, recommendations, bibliography, appendices, etc.

How do you identify a problem?

You identify a problem by making sure that you have already provided a description of the problem through various information on where it actually began, what techniques used, and how effective it is.

In today’s generation, the digital age has also paved its way for transformation in a way that we can be able to interact with the world around us. It’s easy how we see these kinds of reports can be used across many business industries through offering an actionable insights that covers an aspect of a particular department, activity, or internal functions. You may consider viewing some of the analytical business reports sample and templates as a guide for your writing process.