Are you working on several academic or research journal articles? Perhaps you are writing a brief report on COVID-19?  Or are you writing a brief narrative report for your business? As a report writer, it is integral that you determine a need to know on the part of the public at large or a particular group about events, trends, and ideas. Rather than on your experience and perceptions, the focus of your report tends to be placed on the subject matter, being more concerned with the topic at hand.  If you need a well-detailed report to be submitted in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), we are glad to provide you in this article some informative tips and downloadable brief report templates to guide you in your work. Keep on reading!

FREE 10+ Brief Report Samples

1. Brief Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93 KB


2. Printable Brief Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 192 KB


3. Research Brief Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 146 KB


4. PNAS Brief Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 410 KB


5. Brief Report on Physical Activity

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 366 KB


6. Professional Brief Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 90 KB


7. Case Study Brief Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


8. Brief Journal Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 155 KB


9. Editable Brief Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 781 KB


10. Brief Journal Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 12 KB


11. Standard Brief Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 12 KB



What is a Brief Report?

A brief report is an essential document that contains clear and short documentation and a lot of information on a specific subject or primary topic which is meaningful to the society. When used in research work, it contains some comprehensive descriptions of unidentified observations or some details of the laboratory protocols.  Typically, this report can be applied in corporate and business, education, literary arts, scientific research, news, multimedia and journalism, and many other types of categories.

How to Write a Brief Report

Writing a brief report is very distinct from other types of writing such as commentary, proposals, and reviews as they focus on the point of view of the writer and remain in the realm of advocacy, opinion, and interpretation. However, a brief report has a point of view which is commonly expressed in a neutral tone, making your readers feel the fundamental points originated from the evidence and not from the writer. Below are some easy-to-follow tips that indicate how to write a brief report

1. Identify specific goals and objectives

Les Brown said: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Force yourself to escape your comfort zone as you try your best in identifying specific goals and objectives related to your academic or scientific research studies, medical cases, or other aspects. In this way, you can start working on your journal report and then you will reap the rewards later.

2. Collect necessary data and conduct an analysis

Search and check over the main topic of your research or journal project as you collect necessary data or information about it. Also, conduct an analysis to systematically monitor the progress of your work. Read lots of previous research reports and other information which are related to your journal or medical research from different types of references and other sources.

3. Use technical terms appropriately

Óne of the essential parts of report writing is using technical terms appropriately. Each work field like academic, scientific, medical, educational, and journalism, and other specialties commonly uses a particular vocabulary which presents a wide array of specialized concepts with the application of technical language. 

4. End with your conclusion

Ending with a logical conclusion for a brief report can be a daunting and difficult task in your research work.  The conclusion is one of the integral parts of your report that will complete the frame of your research study. 


What is the purpose of a brief report?

The purpose of a brief report is informing a particular target audience about a certain topic which has great influence on their lives. This is typically related to the corporate and business, science and technology, and media and journalism.                                                                                                  

Is a brief report an article?

Yes. It is also considered as an article being included in most articles under the categories of case studies, methodologies, research, review articles, and letters or short reports. 

What are the primary aspects of report writing?

The primary aspects of report writing are the title page, table of contents, executive summary, introduction, discussion, conclusion, recommendations, and references and citations.

What are the different types of report writing?

Some of the different types of report writing are personal, descriptive, expository, narrative, compare and contrast, persuasive, and reflective report.

Therefore, you should understand the significant role that persuasion plays in writing an informative brief report. In this way, you allow your readers to feel that the facts are speaking for themselves. Additionally, you need to know that there exists a creative aspect when it comes to crafting a rhetorical stance in providing a sense of importance, value, and timeliness, highlighting the core themes, and many more. Here are some of our downloadable and printable brief report samples available in different kinds of formats. Simply click the brief report templates in this article and start downloading now!