What is a budget report? A budget report is a document that provides a comparison between the actual budget and a projected budget. The report is used to determine why the expenditure is high and which components are responsible for it. With this information, an action plan can be created to bring down the expenditure levels to its budgeted amount. Through a budget report, businesses are able to maintain control of their finances. Here, you can check out different types of budget report samples and even use them as a guide or sample reference.
Budget Report Sample
1. Budget Report Template

2. Sample Budget Report Template

3. Simple Budget Report Template

4. Annual Budget Report Template

5. Free Termination Budget Analysis Report Template

6. Monthly Budget Management Report Template

7. Basic Budget Report Template

8. Printable Budget Report Template

9. Monthly Budget Report Template
When making a monthly budget report, you need to present more than just a number or figures. Adding graphs, charts and other images that will represent data will make your report presentable and easy to understand. Check out the charts and graphs from this sample to give you an idea of what other things you can add or do to your monthly budget report that will make it look more attractive yet still professional.
10. Sample Budget Report Summary Template
A budget summary is a brief overview of a budget that provides only the main points or the important things to know. Unlike the usual budget plan, a budget summary does not provide a detailed breakdown of the income or expenses, but it only shows the large portions of where the budget was spent. Budget summaries are a lot easier to make compared to the detailed budget plans. In the sample above, the budget summary provided only uses a single page to present the budget for a particular program.
11. Final Project Budget Report Template
Making a budget for a project proposal is made easy if you use this final project budget report template. As you can see, the template is plain and simple and requires only a few details. On the one-page template, you will be required to provide the project name and date, the list of project expenses and income, as well as the amount requested from the sponsor. Completing this budget report should not be a problem.
12. Office of Health Sciences Annual Budget Report Template
Use this sample as a guide to help you write a budget report for an entire year. You can download and view this detailed and comprehensive annual budget report sample in Word. The layout used is very basic, which helps readers easily read through the pages of the report. Subheadings are highlighted using different font colors so that they can be easily identified from the rest of the texts. Read this sample to learn more.
13. Budgets and Monthly Financial Report Template
Learn about budgeting through this informative financial report sample. Basic information about budget and expenditures and other related topics are included in the sample, which will help you widen your knowledge about the topic. There are also guide questions that will help you in laying out the budget along with a sample budget build-up table, monthly cash flow forecast, and a financial report template for the month ending. You will surely learn a lot of things from this sample.
14. Expense Budget Report Template
Expenses refer to the amount of money that is spent on something or used to pay for certain products or services. Keeping track of expenses is a part of budgeting that is done together with income tracking. To make your expense budget reporting easier and convenient, you can check out this expense budget report sample an use it as a reference for your needs. You can use the same design or layout for the sample report you are making. Your budget report will surely look good if you use this sample.
15. Company Budget Report Template
Need to create a budget report for the company? If so, then we sample recommendation that you check out this company budget report template. You’ll be able to make a short but detailed budget report using this reliable template. Another good thing about templates is that they’ll provide you with everything that you need to create a complete company budget report. In this template you will need to provide the name of our company, the division you belong to, the current month, the fiscal year, and other relevant details.
16. Sample Budget Analysis Report Template
A budget analysis is done to compare the budgeted amount to that of the actual expenses and revenue for a particular period. The report generated provides a summary of the budget analysis done. The sample budget analysis report template shown above will be a good tool to use when recording the details in a budget analysis report that you are working on. You may download the template and use it for your personal needs.
17. Sample Budget Implementation Report Template
A budget implementation report documents how the use and implementation of a given budget. This sample makes a good reference material, especially if you need to make a budget implementation report or something similar. A lot can be learned from this sample; that is why it is why we recommend that you check it out. Basic information about budget reporting and the different parts of a budget report writing are discussed in this ample. There are also a number of charts, tables, and sample figures provided throughout the sample that will make it easier to understand.
18. Sample Budget Narrative Report Template
19. Final Budget Report Format
A budget narrative, also known as a budget justification, is a document that provides an explanation as to why the budget cost analysis is necessary and how the cost will be used. This makes an outstanding report as every item in the budget report is explained thoroughly so that no unnecessary or out of topic questions can be asked. This also prevents instances that open a can of worms for the reporter. Read this sample to learn more.
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