Incidents are ugly, sometimes, unfortunate unavoidable situations that happen in schools, especially inside the classrooms. Students, especially the younger ones are prone to making a lot of mistakes; such as behavior problems and violating school policies. To help address these problems to prevent them from happening again in the future, teachers create incident reports to record these situations and come up with an intervention to stop them from progressing. Read the article to find out how to write a classroom incident report.

10+ Classroom Incident Report Samples

1. Classroom Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 46 KB


2. Classroom Teacher Incident Fax Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


3. Classroom Academic Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 143 KB


4. Student Behavior Classroom Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


5. Classroom Teacher Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


6. Classroom Outside Behavior Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 691 KB


7. Physical Restraint Classroom Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


8. Classroom Group Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 370 KB


9. Classroom Behavior Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


10. Classroom Disruption Academic Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


11. Center Classroom Behavior Incident Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 12 KB


Importance of Writing a Classroom Incident Report

If some students are being particularly disruptive in class, it affects the flow of learning and distracts from students focusing on their lessons. That’s enough for teachers to write an incident report of the behavior.

But sometimes, incidents happen inside the classroom after class hours that disrupt the peace and order in the school. With the student’s behavior deemed as inappropriate and troublesome, teachers need to record the incidents and the pattern of rowdy behavior through an incident report. The information in the report is investigated so teachers and administrators will be able to look at appropriate ways of preventing and managing the student’s undisciplined behavior.

Details to Include in A Classroom Incident Report

The following details below must be in a classroom incident report:

  1. Title of the report: The report should have a proper title to know what it is about. Title the report simply Classroom Incident Report, or Disruptive Student Behavior Incident Report, or Student Disciplinary Incident Report.
  2. Date, time, and location of the incident
  3. Students’ names involved in the incident: Include their personal information such as their ID number, date of birth, home address (or campus residence address, if the students are living inside the campus; this is applicable for college students only).
  4.  Faculty’s name that was notified of the incident
  5. The incident report writer’s name and contact information
  6. Full and accurate description of the incident

Guidelines on Writing the Classroom Incident Report

1. Be Specific in Describing the Incident in Your Report

All the details in the incident report need to be factual so make sure to double-check and review your report before sending it to the authorities of the school. Be objective in your report and avoid twisting its narrative that could potentially change the whole story of what actually happened. Don’t make any assumptions. Only write down what actually went down during the incident. Be descriptive. Describe specifically the behavior, appearance, tone of voice of the students involved in the incident. Describe the surroundings well.

2. Mind Your Language

The incident report is a formal document and the information written in can be used by authorities and school administrators for investigation and other purposes. Use proper language. Avoid using colloquial or jargon terms. Avoid using “I” or “me” words or any first-person point-of-view narrative. Use the third person language throughout the report.

3. Specify the School Policy Being Violated During the Incident

If any of the school policies were violated during the incident, specify what. If the incident is a conduct violation that involves drugs, alcohol, tobacco, assault, or abuse, report it right away to the security officer or the school administrator then proceed to write the incident report. For sensitive information such as what was mentioned above, don’t include the names of the students involved in the incident. This is important to help protect their privacy.

If the incident involves injuries, or health emergencies, call the health officer and other authorities to aid you.


What are the different types of incident reports?

The different types of incident reports are workplace incident reports, accident reports, and safety or security incident reports.

What are some challenges regarding classrooms in schools worldwide?

Some universal classroom problems that are quite complicated to solve right away are:

  • Large class sizes
  • Mixed-age and mixed-ability classes
  • Undiagnosed student learning disabilities
  • Insufficient funding for classroom supplies and equipment
  • Lack of school administrative support

What are some principles of teaching?

Here are some principles of teaching that guide teachers on efficient teaching. These are:

  • Create an active learning environment
  • Focus the attention of students in the classroom
  • Connect their knowledge
  • Provide timely feedback to students
  • Demand quality learning

As much as you try to, describing an incident accurately is not so easy as it seems because some events you remember might get muddled up so it’s important to recheck all important details to make sure the report has the correct details. Before submitting your report, reread to make sure it is understandable. Make sure that you followed the correct language and format of the report. To help you write your own incident report, download our sample templates above as your guide!