Investors turn to corporate financial statements to determine which companies are likely to outperform the market averages over the next year or two. Similarly, banks usually identify which companies to lend and on certain terms according to a company’s financial statements. These documents are very essential for company managers to communicate the financial strength and profitability of their businesses to various investors and other groups. Keep on reading our article here as we provide you some relevant steps on creating a company and financial report, plus some templates that you can use freely.
FREE 15+ Company and Financial Report Samples
1. Financial Report Template

2. Company Report Template

3. Sample Financial Report Template

4. Company Credit Account Denial for Unfavorable Report

5. Financial Report To Board of Directors Template

6. Company Analysis Report Template

7. Financial Report Sample for Small Business Template

8. Annual Financial Report Template

9. Free Finance Internal Audit Report Template

10. Free Company Monthly Report Template

11. Free Company Expense Report Template

12. Sample Annual Company Report
13. Quarterly Financial Report Template
14. Company Annual Financial Status Report
15. Private Company Visit Report
16. Monthly Financial Status Report
What is a Company and Financial Report?
Financial reports exist to provide valuable information on businesses to people who have, or may have, an economic stake in those businesses. These reports are necessary to help investors, bankers, suppliers, customers, tax authorities, trade union representatives, competitors, courts of law, antitrust regulators, and prospective employees based on the book “Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis: A Global Perspective.”
How to Create a Company and Financial Report
Managers need to understand their company’s financial statements because these are the most vital sources of information utilized by the investing community to know where to invest capital. If you’re a business professional who specializes in managing finance, we suggest that you use our templates above that you can use conveniently.
Here are the steps that you need to follow in writing your company financial report:
1. Use a financial forecasting tool
Conduct a financial assessment of your company according to its historical record and future projections. This tool will assist you in planning and predicting the future, especially you will have much better control over the financial status of your company. It allows you to identify if you’re getting off track so you can take the necessary action before an occurrence of a crisis.
2. Create an expense budget
In order to create an expense budget, you need to determine the amount of money you have coming in. Then, monitor and categorize the expenses of your business by listing all the fixed and variable expenses. Next, you should establish your company’s financial goals. With the goals you made, you can now create a budget plan and think about making some necessary adjustment on your company’s fixed expenses. Don’t forget to review your budget from time to time.
3. Develop cash flow statements and calculate net profit
One of the primary financial statements that analysts use is a cash flow statement. This shows how much cash is produced and used during a given time period. In this statement, you can observe and analyze the operating and investing activities of a company, as well as its other financing activities. Simply, it reflects the actual amount of money the company receives from its operations.
After this, you need to calculate your company’s net profit or the amount of remaining money to pay shareholders, new project investments, debt payments, or to save for future use.
4. Work on your assets and liabilities
Determine your company’s assets and liabilities. Know any resources of financial value to your business by listing the value of any current, fixed, and intangible assets which include cash, accounts receivable, customer deposits, computer hardware and software, tools and equipment, and so on. After working on your assets, you should know what liabilities you have such as payable accounts, salaries, wages, interest, income tax, sales tax, lease agreement, etc.
The purpose of these reports is to track, analyze and report your business income and to examine resource usage, cash flow, business performance and the financial health of the business. With this, you and your investors can create informed decisions about how to manage the business.What is the purpose of a financial report?
The four types of financial reports are balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and statements of shareholders’ equity. What are the types of financial reporting?
Financial statements are the products of financial reporting while financial reporting is used to provide necessary data and information for decision making. What is the difference between financial statements and financial reporting?
An article explained that financial reporting is done by revealing particular financial information to people inside and outside a company. How is financial reporting done?
Most people who don’t have knowledge and insight of financing may possibly think that documenting the movements of cash, goods, and services of a company is a boring and complicated task. But actually, having an expertise in financing and extracting cash from the actions of the enterprise fully shows the essence of business and the generation of wealth. Remember these inspiring words by Maya Angelou: “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.” As an accountant or financial analyst, enjoy what you do and then you will succeed. Download the samples right now to help you create your financial report!
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