When you are going to write an investigation report, you will realize that the report itself would reflect on you and your investigation. That is why you have to be clear, comprehensive, and accurate as possible. Investigative reports has a lot of purposes. It’s a type of document that pushes you to take on an action based on the findings. This will mostly refer to the employment termination, corrective action, training implementation, and other related information. It is a record that shows the steps of an investigation to prove that the investigation is timely and fair. The information that contains in the report may be included in most legal actions, so it is important to have an accurate detail. The writing process may provide clarity to your thinking and provide you with new insights. Lastly, the report itself provides data that can be used to implement preventive measures. In this article, you will be able to know more information about investigation reports particularly those that are about handling complaints.
11+ Complaint Investigation Report Samples
1. Complaint Investigation Report Sample
2. Formal Complaint Investigation Report
3. Help Line Complaint Investigation Report
4. Printable Complaint Investigation Report
5. Complaint and Allegation Investigation Report
6. Complaint Investigation Report Format
7. Complaint Investigation Status Report
8. Complaint Narrative Investigation Report
9. Standard Complaint Investigation Report
10. Social Services Complaint Investigation Report
11. General Complaint Investigation Report
12. Editable Complaint Investigation Report
Strategies for Complaints Investigation
Step 1: Assessment – you have to make sure that you understand the complaint and the products as well which has caused the problem or a complaint. You have to understand every perspective of your customers. If you are unsure about the details of the complaints, you can make a call or email them. You should also know when or how you are going to resolve their complaints. Take note that you should also take into consideration if there will be assistance, time allowed for evaluation and assessment, checklist for the issues, and status of the third party involved.
Step 2: Investigation – you have to know well your product. Share the information regarding the complaint to your staff members, gather files, incident notes, and even statements. Allocate some time investigating about the complaint. Identify areas of dispute and target those areas that really needs further investigation.
Step 3: Weighing the evidence – make sure to look out for possible pitfalls and measure the evidence against legislations, internal policies, product literature, service charters, terms and conditions, precedent, and contract.
Step 4: Correcting mistakes – the customer is definitely giving you an opportunity to find out what exactly is happening and what has gone wrong to prevent having the same problem over and over again.
Step 5: Putting things right – every complaints must be considered as an opportunity to look for areas that you have to improve. You have to put things right even if it is still on the early stage. This will give you more chance to satisfy your customers.
Step 6: Respond – having an effective response gives every customer an assurance with regards to the professionalism and commitment in terms of your company’s customer service. The response should be able to concentrate only on the positive aspect and show customers that you totally understand their feelings. Your responses must be reviewed and revised.
How to write investigation reports?
Include the following contents: executive summary, preliminary case information, allegation summary, subject of the allegation, details of the investigation, plan and scope of the investigation, detailed case notes, recommendation, and conclusion.
What type of information you have to list down during a document investigation interview?
Include who conducted the interview, who was interviewed, where the interview took place, date of interview, and even the list of people who refused the interview and could not be interviewed.
If you want to see more samples and format, try to check out some of the complaint investigation report samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.