Have you been to or seen a construction site before? You can easily tell when a site is under construction or not simply by looking for signs saying a certain building is about to rise on that area. Most construction equipment is huge to help make the building process faster so that the desired results can be completed before or on the specified deadlines. The accomplishments or the work that has been completed in construction is reported to the client through a construction progress report. This report is an important communication tool, and you are about to find out why.

What Is a Construction Progress Report?

Keeping track of the activities and the progress in a construction site is an important role that a construction contract administrator must carry. Daily construction progress meetings are conducted to check on the building progress and on what phase the construction is on. This information, including the construction meeting minutes, are documented and presented to the client in the form of a  construction progress report. A construction progress report is considered an essential communication tool because it is an effective way of letting clients know of the current construction progress and other related activities.

The report can answer questions like why such activity was delayed, why construction has not been started, what cost the delay of material shipping, etc. A construction progress report does not only benefit the client, but it is also useful to the on-site managers, supervisors, and workers. The progress report alerts on-site personnel if they are behind schedule and other important details. This way, they can identify what caused the delay and create an action plan to shorten the gap in time and get back on track.

How to Make a Construction Progress Report

Construction reports are packed and they are made up of paragraphs, numeric data, all sorts of graphs and images, etc. You can say that it’s a complex type of report and difficult to make. Well, here are steps and tips that will help in making construction progress reports easy.

1. Look for a Template

There are many ready-made construction progress reports that you can take advantage and most of them are offered online for free. Look for the template that you specifically need or one that you can easily modify. Construction progress reports in Excel are good templates because they are easy to use and allows you to automatically calculate data after entering it into the sheet. Other ready-made templates are construction progress daily report and weekly construction report samples. There are also project-specific reports like building construction progress report sample, road construction progress report sample, and house construction progress report.

2. List Down Tasks

A memo or a daily checklist is a necessity if you want to always be on track with everything. Use them to list down pending tasks and mark them when those tasks are completed. If you need to write special instructions, notes, and ideas related to the construction job in progress, then carry a memo or a checklist always with you.

3. Use Graphs and Charts

What makes a progress report interesting is the information it contains about the actual work done. Since there are a lot of things going on in a progress report, there are instances when numerical data won’t make any sense or may be overlooked. For this, you should use graphs or charts for a visual representation of data. It will make the report interesting and easier to understand.

4. Make Revisions and Update Regularly

How frequently are you required to submit a progress report? If it’s on a daily basis, then make the necessary revisions and updates at the end of the workday. If you need to submit another a quarterly progress report sample, then make revisions or updates every time a task is completed. This will help you minimize the changes you need to make on your final report.

10+ Construction Progress Report Samples

1. Construction Progress Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8.5 MB


2. Pro-Forma Facility Construction Progress Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 360.3 KB


3. Weekly Construction Progress Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 653.1 KB


4. Monthly Transmission Construction Progress Report for Electric Utilities

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 413.9 KB


5. Excelsior Mining Provides Mine Construction Progress Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 169.5 KB


6. Daily Progress Report to drive the Construction Project

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 528.9 KB


7. Road Construction Project Progress Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11.5 KB


8. Construction Status Progress Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 67.7 KB


9. Construction Progress Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 595.5 KB


10. Updated Progress Report On The New Construction Project

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 351.3 KB


11. Construction Progress Documentation Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 14.9 KB


How do I know if it’s a progress report or a status report?

It’s easy to differentiate one from the other if you know their uses. A construction progress report shows the current status of an ongoing construction project. It provides an overview of where things are in a certain project. A construction status report, on the other hand, provides more than just the current status of the construction project work. It shows an update on a larger scale, which includes all the operations of a department or organization.

What should I include in my construction progress report?

Your construction progress report should include a summary of the construction progress, progress analysis, assessments, weather reports, reports on neighborhood issues, off-site payments, proposals, action items, progress photos, and instructions. The report should also answer client questions like why the construction was delayed, why the project was stopped, why is it necessary to change the materials needed, etc.

How often should I submit a construction progress report?

It depends on your client and organization. Daily reporting is important, but there are instances when quarterly reporting is preferred, whether by the client or your organization. Well, you’ll still need a daily progress report so that you can keep track of the many changes, accomplishments,x, and failures that took place on-site.

It’s best to take note of any progress you’ve made no matter how little it is. This goes for both your personal progress and progress at work. With that said, making a progress report for a construction project can be a challenge. Practicing and familiarizing progress reports using the samples above will do you some good. If you like, you can even make a progress report on your own progress report writing skills.

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