Merely selling a product or advertising your service isn’t enough to end a sale. Despite putting out all the details and instructions, customers are bound to ask further questions or want to add some special request. Even after sales, companies should expect complaints, refunds or misunderstanding between clients. This is why companies should have an efficient customer service to deal with these kind of situations to provide assistance and give advice to those who buy or use its products or services. To gauge customer service performance, a metrics called a customer service report is used by most companies. Learn more about this in our article today, and for ready made templates check out our free customer service report samples below:
10+ Customer Service Report Samples
1. Customer Service Report Template

2. Customer Service Call Report Template

3. Customer Service Assessment Report
4. Customer Service Improvement Status Report
5. Customer Service Incident Report
6. Agency Customer Service Report
7. Quality Customer Service Report
8. Customer Service Technician Civilian Report
9. Customer Service Summary Report
10. Rental Customer Service Report
11. Customer Service Survey Report
What Is a Customer Service Report?
Some products or services out in the market may come up more or less the same as others, so companies try to exert effort to continuously set them apart from their competitors. Yet, with an exceptional standards of customer service would stand to set themselves apart from their competitors in a notable way. Customers may want to have someone to address any issues concerning the product or service. Thus, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of client interactions with your business, to maintain and deliver quality customer service. To be able to keep track of this, a customer service report records your goal progress, and help you identify areas for improvement.
How To Create a Customer Service Report?
Customer reports are critical for setting and meeting customer expectations. The purpose of a customer service report is to get direct feedback, and then take that user generated data to make better decisions in the future. Here are some benefits your company can receive if these reports are initiated properly:
- Reports can help management track the quality of service offered by the agents
- Better understanding which platforms generate most inquiries in regards to your business
- Motivate customer service agents to improve
- Meet customer expectation and identify the common inquiries or problems
- Track the level and nature of customer issues over time to make uniformed strategic decisions
- Reveal areas for product improvement
There are various of customer service reports depending on a company’s requirement and how they wish to gauge customer service performance. Each business is different and insights that might prove particularly useful to one business might not be the same for another. Here are examples of a customer service reports that can help you decide which type that would benefit your company.
I. Customer Feedback Reports
Customer feedback is an important method of collecting first hand experiences in dealing with customer related queries in regards to a company’s product or services. This would reflect how well the problem was dealt, how a customer perceive a product or service and perhaps establish possible candidates to partner with in the future. A customer feedback report allows you to evaluate how well you are meeting customer’s needs and expectations, whether you work in customer service or product. It provides you with detailed insights that can help you improve your product roadmap, customer experience, and beyond. These are typically collected from survey submissions after events, specific times in a customer’s lifecycle, or with routine questionnaires that assess individual customer interactions.
II. Activity Level
- Call Detail Report: for companies who are engage with call center services, these reports capture various call details, such as time in queue, call duration, escalations, the cause of escalations, the outcome of the interaction, etc.
- Multi-channel customer service solutions typically offer channel usage reports with detailed information of every communication channel, such as emails, calls, live chats, contact forms, feedback forms, and social media messages. As a result, you can view the most preferred channels by customers.
- Agent activity reports show information such as the time agents logged in, breaks, and volume of tickets/calls/chats they answer within that time range.
III. Departmental Reports
These are combined reports submitted by each team which displays the overall performance information.
IV. Agent Reports
This is an individualized report per agent to track their productivity and ranking when it comes to service interactions. Overall, these reports help managers identify top and bottom performers quickly.
Some companies invest in software applications that automates the creation of customer service reports to help them measure their customer service performance. Yet it is still very acceptable especially for new or small business to manually input their data to create their reports. However this is done, the main point of the report is to help with the data analysis.
What Is Customer Satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is how satisfied customers are of the product or service in which fulfils their needs and expectations.
Why Is Customer Service Important?
An efficient customer service helps retain your clients and would allow those clients to refer your product or services to others. Businesses are able to regain customer acquisition costs and cultivate a loyal following that refers customers, serves as case studies, and provides testimonials and reviews.
What Is a Customer Journey?
This is a visual storyline of every engagement your customer has with your service, brand, or product. Here you are to understand your users, their behavior, and what you can do to improve your product or services.
The overall goal of all businesses is to retain and gain more customers. Thus, a customer service report can help give you actionable information you can use to keep customers satisfied. Ensuring a stability in profit and increase in customer lifetime value.
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