Some things must be reported daily so that one can keep track of them and consistently be on top of things, especially when it is related to business. We call this a daily report. A report is a document where details of an activity report or task are recorded. Daily reports come in different formats and are used both for work and personal matters. At work, daily reports help employers keep track of the work of their employers or the progress of certain projects. Different types of daily reports are created for different purposes. Here are several sample reports that you will find useful.
Daily Report Sample
1. Construction Daily Report Template

2. Construction Superintendent Daily Report Template

3. Sample Daily Report Template

4. Free Daily Report Card Example Template

5. Construction Safety Daily Report Template

6. Subcontractor Daily Report Template

7. Sample Daily Call Report Template

8. Work From Home Daily Report Template

9. Sample Daily Sales Activity Report Template

10. Restaurant Daily Expense Report Template

11. Daily Cash Report Template

12. Sample Daily Production Report Template

13. Daily Attendance Report Template

14. Daily Progress Report for Building Construction Template

15. Sample Daily Meeting Report Template

16. Construction Daily Inspection Report Template

17. Free Daily Material Control Report Template

18. Daily Freelance Work Report Template

19. Daily Safety Report Template

20. Sample Construction Daily Quality Report Template

21. Daily Report Format
Clueless on how to get started with your report? Here’s a daily report format sample that you can use. It’s a straightforward format that you can follow and use for writing your daily report. What’s also good bout this sample format is that it is customizable so you can remove the already supplied information and replace it with your own. You may also add or remove some of the details that you think are necessary or unnecessary to the report you are making.
22. Daily Work Report Template
What have you accomplished at work? If you have accomplished a lot, then don’t forget to write it on your daily work report. Use the sample template above if you still don’t have a template to use. This template is detailed and is designed to make reporting a convenient task for you. Certain boxes or fields are in place for you to supply the required information. Some sections provided checkboxes for you to mark to indicate what it is. This sample template is indeed a time saver.
23. Daily Situation/Shift Report Template
Daily reports are also used to relay or communicate a situation from individuals who are working on shifting schedules, like nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and even managers. This daily situation/shift report template is how a shifting report looks like. Before one’s shift ends, they are required to fill out a similar template. The general information required to complete a shift report includes the date, the day of the week, the name of the reporter, their location or branch, a summary of what happened during their shift and other relevant notes.
24. Basic Contractor Daily Construction Report Template
Contractors use their own daily construction report form and it looks something like the sample shown above. It is common in a construction business to hire contractors to help them fill in and complete certain jobs, especially tasks that require specific skills. Reporting is strictly practiced in the construction setting and it is the responsibility of every contractor to create a daily report for the activities of their people. This sample uses a simple layout and can be used by different construction contractors regardless of which company they belong to.
25. Daily Sales Activity Report Template
Keeping track of the business’ sales is an important business activity. Daily sales reports help businesses determine how much they are earning each day in the business. It also helps them make future projections or what they should expect in the coming days. Here is a sample of a daily sales report. It is just a short report, but it is nonetheless detailed and informative. View this sample to learn more.
26. Superintendent Daily Report Template
It is the task of a superintendent or a manager to manage the activities of an organization, as well as write a daily report to be submitted to other high-ranking officials. In this superintendent daily report template, you will see what things a superintendent includes n their daily report. The name of the project scope that they are working on is also required, including the number of employees they have on-site and for what companies the employees are reporting to.
27. Check-in Check-Out Daily Progress Report Example
This daily progress report is used to monitor the positive behavior that a student shows in class. The homeroom teacher conducts the assessment and records their findings in the progress report. Certain criteria or metrics are provided for grading and evaluation of the student’s behavior. The report is shown to the parents who need to provide their feedback or action plan on the report before returning it to the teacher. Use this sample report template if you need something similar.
28. Commercial Property Daily Activity Report Sample
In this commercial property report, the condition of different properties owned by the same company or business is described in detail. The names, address or location and photos of each property are also provided for a reliable and more presentable report. Labels of different colors are also used to indicate which properties have problems and which ones are in good shape. You can definitely use this sample as a reference to assist you with writing your own version of a property report.
29. Warehouse Daily Report Template
Use this sample template as if it is your own. This warehouse daily report template is customizable so you can easily make your report using this template. You can add the warehouse name and sample log on top, and even add or remove details that you think will help make the template more appropriate for your needs. You definitely should check out this sample template.
30. Blank Daily Report Template Template
Here is another customizable daily report template that you can use to make a analysis report on just about anything. It is pretty plain and simple, allowing you to write in the style that you prefer. There are no rules and guidelines to follow in this sample template. You can even modify it to suit your taste. And when you’re done completing the sample, you can go ahead and have it printed right away.
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