Recording major events in our society is one way of preserving a wide array of memories of the people and situations in our history through writing. Do you need to write a clear and comprehensive report for a business conference, sports event, current news, adverse conditions, or any kinds of events that will be assigned to you? Working on different kinds of event reports can be nerve-racking and challenging. Don’t fret because in this article, we have some downloadable event report samples to guide you. Keep on reading!

FREE 10+ Events Report Samples

1. Event Report Template

event report

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. Event Management Report Template

event management report template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


3. Event After Action Report Template

event after action report template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


4. Events Cash Reconciliation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 117 KB


5. Special Events Envelope Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166 KB


6. Quality Events Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 495 KB


7. Marketing Events Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 77 KB


8. Serious Healthcare Reportable Events

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 789 KB


9. Adverse Events System Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 729 KB


10. Events Data Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 155 KB


11. Serious Adverse Events Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 24 KB



What is an Event Report?

An event report is a clear and structural assessment report of a person like a sports journalist or current news reporter as he or she demonstrates through writing that a particular event is successful, especially providing a well-detailed data for stakeholders involved.  

How to Write an Event Report

Writing a clear and cohesive event report is essential to retain the event description that many people can use as future reference if a similar event might potentially occur in the near future. In order to guide you in preparing your report for an event, we provide some useful tips that you should consider: 

1. Conduct research for target audience 

First, you must conduct research for your audience. Your objectives should be measurable, actionable results that will refine your event report writing. Provide questionnaires to the attendees by using survey apps.  If the event doesn’t reach the goals, apply this method to discuss how you can ascertain that they will be fulfilled at future events or revise them for the next time around.

2. Gather important data

Being informed on the specific figures can help you in evaluating the different components of the event thoroughly. Know about the attendee opinions and sponsor insights, and quantitative data like attendee numbers and profit margins as these are highly integral to your report. Gathering these figures will assist you in understanding the whole picture of your event. 

3. Write an executive summary

The executive summary should be less than one page and easy for readers to skim. Use sub-headers, short sentences, and bullet points to get your main idea precisely.  Include facts such as core objectives, budget, venue details, timeline, event dates/times, and names of event organizers, vendors, and key staff. Add in event type-specific details. For instance, an event report for a sports festival  should provide an accurate overview of sports activities, booth design strategies, and giveaways or contests. 

4. Provide a marketing summary of promotion activities  

Provide a marketing summary by listing all the means of promotion used, which include social media metrics, media coverage, advertisement, etc. Utilize online tools like Google Analytics for website metrics to know what worked foremost, bring recommendations on how the traffic can be intensified in the future and what channels weren’t valuable of the time. 

5. Develop a statement of the event’s objectives  

Think deeply about the stated functions of the event. Develop an explanation about the ways the different components of the event contribute to or detract from its main purpose and goals. Perceive the crucial parts and each function it has for the event.  


How to write an event review?

When you write an event review, you need to conduct valuable research on the background of the event. Then, consider taking lots of notes during the event and highlight the main points. Create a list of the noteworthy pieces in the event and organize what you have written. Avoid having a biased tone and remain neutral while you explain your opinions and criticism about the event.

How to summarize an event?

If you need to write an event summary, write a clear and brief event title and showcase the essential details in your introduction. Then, provide comprehensive information without forming an opinion or rhetoric. Add several examples about the activities and small events that happened in the entire event. Remember that you must catch the interest of your readers as well.

How to analyze an event?

Apart from the usual event debrief and net profit calculation,  you should look for new donors, new gifts, bidding engagement for auctions, and many more. There is almost adequate data that you can analyze. Let your event objectives be a guide to your analysis write-up. 

How to know if an event is a success? 

You must closely monitor social media activity at the end of the event, read the posts to be aware of what attendees are exactly saying, and conduct a post-event survey to know how attendees felt about the event. By doing this, you obtain more than a general idea of the attendees’ impression. Then, analyze the sales numbers in the weeks after an event. 

Therefore, an event report is a significant technical writing composition. It is a helpful method that certain people or organizations who have held events can decide whether they should create necessary adjustments or develop new innovative measures. To assist you in writing an informative event report, we provide you some downloadable and printable event reportsampleshere in different formats. Simply click the event report templates in this article and start downloading now!

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