Accidents that are caused by fires may lead to injuries. Aside from that, it may also cause severe damage to several properties. Hazards that can eventually result to fire may or may not be noticeable even in our own homes. It may happen unexpectedly or all of a sudden. These may occur from defective products, cigarettes left on materials that are flammable, faulty wiring and even in smoke detectors that fail to activate. Most of the concerns involving a fire accident is smoke inhalation. In this article, you are going to know more about the nature of a fire accident and how to make a report about it.

10+ Fire Accident Report Samples

1. Fire Department Accident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 91 KB


2. Fire Accident Preliminary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


3. Fire Accident Follow Up Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 184 KB


4. Marine Fire Accident Investigation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Fire Accident Alarm Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 292 KB


6. Fire Accident Incident Request Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


7. Vehicle Fire Accident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


8. Fire Accident Investigation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 76 KB


9. Fire Accident Safety Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Fire Accident Safety Hazard Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 36 KB


11. Fire Accident Incident Action Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 9 KB


What is a Fire Accident Report?

A fire accident report helps in gathering, analyzing and organizing data pertaining to the magnitude of a particular fire problem. This type of report would also aid in developing a uniform data reporting method that can be used to guide other agencies to do the same thing. Any fire accidents, minor or major, that happens in an establishment or department should be reported to any of the fire agencies so that it will be attended immediately.

This report is used by an authorized fire department personnel or fire safety officer so that he or she can provide a statement regarding the fire accident. There may be reports with regards to how severe the damage was to the properties, how many people got injured and worst, how many people have lost their lives. Fire accident report is mandated by law to obtain fire safety information that can help in improving their initiatives or plan regarding fire prevention.

Format in Writing a Fire Report

Below is the format for fire reports when full narrative is being required:


  • date, time in 24 hour clock time, and address
  • fire out or still in progress
  • physical characteristics of what was burned
  • description of the access to building or property
  • name of the person who requested the response
  • name of the fire investigator


  • description of the factors that substantiate the point of origin
  • localize point of origin using references
  • description of what was burned
  • description of existing factors
  • fire cause (accidental or criminal)


  • witness identification (identification card, license, etc.)
  • address of the witness for further interviews
  • location where the interview took place
  • time and date of when the interview took place
  • witness identification by putting only the last name on the report
  • witness’s involvement in the fire accident
  • witness’s statement given during the interview
  • questions should be clear and complete and is delivered in a detailed manner
  • suspect statements


  • diagrams (fire scene diagram)
  • photographs (number of photographs and photographer’s log sheet)
  • evidence (with physical description, items to be analyzed, complete entries in the evidence room, and entries if forensic work has already been completed)


  • concise opinion if in the case that a fire is labeled criminal
  • reasons why you reached to a particular conclusion if in the case that a fire is labeled as accidental
  • reasons why you reached to a particular conclusion if in the case that a fire is still undetermined
  • reasons why you reached to a particular conclusion if in case that a fire occurred in a natural state


  • information that are not appropriate under the headings of your report
  • additional work
  • status of the case
  • list of agencies notified associated with the fire accident case
  • reference reports and necessary attachments
  • prior fire incidents that has the same people or address.


Why is it important to complete a fire accident report?

The fire accident report is not just a document. It helps every fire service units to build a fire safety data and make an analysis of the incident. It can even help in improving the strategies to minimize the instances of life loss and property damage.

What is the difference between a fire accident report and fire investigation report?

Fire accident report shows information about the fire incident such as the exact location, cause, properties damaged, and affected people who has injuries or even died. A fire investigation report is an in-depth details pertaining to the fire incident.

What makes an effective fire accident report?

An effective fire accident report should be able to answer questions that starts with what, who, when, where, why and how, presents factual information, uses correct correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, written concisely in standard English.

Fire accidents reports, as what you have seen from the samples and in the article, is a detailed report that needs to be completely filled out. It is not only for the benefit of the fire service unit, but also for the benefit of the residents to teach them a lesson on what they should do to prevent fire accidents to occur.