In institutions with a large number of diverse people in it every day such as schools, different unfortunate incidents can happen.In schools, those chances are more likely to happen with young kids who could get in trouble easily. School incidents are treated formally, especially if the incident harms the wellbeing of the students, such as reporting the incident and conducting investigations so it’s important for teachers and school administrators know the protocol in dealing with incident cases whenever they happen. This article will provide a guide on how school incident reports are done.
10+ School Incident Report Samples
1. School Incident Report Sample

2. School Incident Report Form

3. High School Incident Report

4. Confidential School Incident Report
5. Editable School Incident Report
6. School Bus Incident Report
7. General School Incident Report
8. Formal School Incident Report
9. Safe School Incident Report
10. Professional School Incident Report
11. Strategic School Incident Report
What is a School Incident Report?
A school incident report is a formal and crucial document that narrates incidents of harm, either to persons or property, that occur on school property or during the course of school activities, such as school-provided transportations, field trips, and school sports events. It collects information when an incident occur and describe the events that happened. Some examples of incidents that need to be reported are:
- When an unregulated student poses a direct physical or verbal threat.
- Physical altercations between students or faculty members such as hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, throwing objects, etc.
- Destruction of classroom space and/or materials.
- Grave situations such as injury, any medical-related incident, or any inappropriate conduct of staff or students.
- Students have to leave school early as a result of an incident.
- A parent or guardian is summoned to the school as a result of an incident.
How to Create a School Incident Report
1. Determine the Nature of the Incident
Before writing the incident report, determine first the nature and gravity of the incident. Call the staff who are authorized to investigate the incident and begin to prepare the report. Make sure to take note of all the events that happened right away.
Identify then the following details to put in the report:
- The time and date of the incident
- The specific location of the incident
- Your name as the writer of the report
- The name of other individuals involved in the incident and witnesses
- The overview of the incident (to introduce the type of incident that happened) then a detailed description of the incident. Write about the incident in chronological order.
2. Obtain the Account of Witnesses
To make the incident report stronger, witness accounts and their statements must also be obtained. Take note of the names and contact details of all witnesses. Whenever you get the witnesses’ statements make sure to do the following:
- The form you let the witness fill out bearing their recollection regarding the incident should be completed in pen, not pencil.
- The witness should write about the incident in his or her own words and sign and date the form when finished. If possible, ask the witness to draw a sketch of the location where the incident occurred to accompany his or her statement.
3. Collect All Documentation Related to the Incident
Attach any other documentation that will strengthen the incident case even more and make your report as accurate to the actual incident as possible. Identify the evidences related to the incident in your report. The documentation must consist of the following:
- Physical evidence and electronic evidence such as surveillance video, cell phone video, social media posts, etc.
- All releases and permission slips related to the incident.
- Field trips, school transportation, or sports schedules if it’s related to the incident.
- The list of schedule of activities for the day of student and staff involved in the accident.
- Any school property or equipment contributed to the cause of the incident.
- First aid register from the school clinic
- Internal and external correspondence in relation to the incident
- Copies of discipline notice of students involved in the incident
Any copies of the documentation mentioned above, be kept with the report and store extra copies just in case they get lost.
What are the three types of incidents?
The three types of incidents are major incidents, repetitive incidents, and complex incidents.
What are the different types of incident reports?
The different types of incident reports are workplace incident reports, accident reports, and safety incident reports.
What are problems in schools today?
Schools have always faced a lot of problems that they are always trying to fix the issues. Some common issues that schools are dealing with today are classroom sizes for more students enrolling in class, poverty and family factors that affect the education of the students, technology issues, students’ attitudes and behaviors, and parent involvement in their children’s school activities.
The incident report must be prepared as soon as possible after the incident took place. Once you’re done completing your report, don’t forget to extensively review and recheck all important details to make sure the report has the correct details and reread it to make sure it is easy to read and understandable before submitting it to the authorities. Have a colleague help you check its accuracy. To help you get started, download our free sample templates provided above!
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