One of the most important establishments in a community are the hospitals. These are institutions where a majority of the citizens frequent when they get sick with an illness and get the treatment they need. Even as a hospital whose main priority is the health and welfare of its patients, incidents are still bound to happen within its walls. These could a misdiagnosis on a patient, equipment failure or other various patient complaints. Whenever these occur, an investigation has to immediately take place since these can be tag as a life and death situation. This is when a hospital incident report is created to aid the investigation report. Below are samples of different kinds of hospital incident reports that can help you write one.
11+ Hospital Incident Report Samples
1. Free Incident Report Letter In Hospital Template
2. Hospital Action Incident Report Template
3. Sample Hospital Policy Incident Report Template
4. Hospital System Analysis Incident Report Template
5. Sample Hospital Adverse Incident Report Template
6. Hospital Self Event Incident Report Template
7. Sample Hospital Critical Incident Report Template
8. Veterinary Hospital Incident Report Template
9. Sample Hospital Ambulance Incident Report Template
10. Hospital Workplace Violence Incident Report Template
11. Sample Hospital Surgical Incident Report Template
12. Hospital Laboratory Incident Report Template
What Is a Hospital Incident Report?
These are incidents that take place within the hospital, and may be documented electronically or written copies which contains valuable information that lead up to the event. This is not limited to people, but to animals in veterinary hospitals as well. And some hospital related deaths are caused of these unfortunate incidents. So, to be able to fully understand and somehow prevent another one from occurring, hospital staff must coordinate thoroughly with all the involving parties to be able to come up with a relevant and credible report sample.
Here are the basic types of hospital related incident:
Major Incidents
These are incidents that can cause harm or serious injuries to the patient or another person. This can be due to an equipment failure, medical error resulting to serious and adverse effect on the patient or worst case study scenario casualty.
No Harm Incident
Under these can be misdiagnosis or sometimes resulting to mishap or error such as giving a the wrong medicine to a patient that was supposedly intended for someone else. Fortunately the patient who took the medicine had no side effects or serious implications on his or her health. Still issues like this must be taken into serious consideration so that any staff involve must be called into attention.
Near Misses
Sometimes referred as close calls, are unintentional incidents that are supposed to cause serious damage or potential harm to a patient but were narrowly prevented.
How to Create a Hospital Incident Report?
Details are very important when writing these reports, as they can be used for or against the person or people involved with the incident. For it to be completely accurate as possible check out several steps and tips to consider below:
1. State the Facts
Based all information and details on what exactly happened. Never add unrelated information so not to mislead the investigation. Facts are needed to put together the report to make it more credible. And as much as possible avoid presumptions.
2. Chronological Sequence of Events
Take time to evaluate and remember everything that has transpired and it is crucial that no details are left undocumented. Time, place and witness and other people involved should be included as you draft your incident report.
3. Evidence
Like most incident reports, solid and hard evidences can make a strong case most especially if the patient decides to take matters legally. Witnesses, a CCTV video, audio recordings, medical prescriptions or doctor’s medical certificates are a few examples of evidences that can be used.
4. Report Immediately
As long as the patient or any parties involved are well or healthy enough, its best to create the report immediately. It is more likely that the patient can remember a lot of details while it is still fresh in their minds.
After all materials has been gathered, with the help of a medical staff may it be a nurse or licensed professional, hospital incident report must be then completed. And right away passed on to another concerning party usually upper management for evaluation and further instruction. By then a sample recommendation will be commended regarding the case.
What Is a Medical Incident Report?
These are reports written by medical practitioners, nurses or other staff within the medical institution.
What Is an Accidental Death?
Is a death resulting from an unintentional act. Examples such as choking, slipping and falling, car collision or accidents caused by natural elements such as being struck by lightning or drowning in a flood or in a river.
What Is the Most Common Cause of Accident in the Hospital?
Falling and slipping can be a considered a typical accident not only in hospitals, but anywhere.
Annual patient deaths due to medical errors have since risen steadily over the past few years. To think a hospital is an institution that people are compelled to visit and seek medical help and treatment. It is imperative that hospitals create action plans to improve their facilities management, conduct medical staff training and create a suitable environment management plan. Hospital incidents should always be reported to ensure that changes can be made, develop hospital strategic plans, improve the quality of care system and most importantly to maintain a positive reputation in the healthcare community.