Whether you belong in an academic setting, industrial setting, or health care profession, you are familiar of an important written document called a report. Reports could be daily, monthly, or annually depending on the needs of the organization. Incident report writing is the perfect example how useful reports are to keep track and record on the events happening.

IT incident report is a specific incident report wherein information in the IT department are being recorded, tracked, and analyzed. It is important to remember that reports should not just contain mere description of the data but also a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of it.

What’s the Easiest Way to Create a Report?

Using sample reports in Excel could be one solution to make an easier report, but other than that, the content design also has to be adjusted. To create a report in the easiest way, format the title so that it stands out and it would represent on what the report is about. Make the report easy to read by dividing the contents into different sections or headings, and also be mindful on your font types, size, and style. Consider using visual presentation to enhance and reinforce the contents. This is especially when numerical data is involved. Use informative headings and subheadings to aid in navigating easily.

What Are the Uses to Create a Report?

Reports are informative work. It could be a written report or verbal report. It is used to relay important information that are analyzed and recorded. All professions use reports to evaluate, monitor, and analyze the business. Reports are used as investigative tools, as basis for important decisions, for strategies, for recommendations, to keep record, and for analysis. Say for example in the construction projects, construction reports are written to record the workers’ progress, the on-site incidents, and what equipment are used or needed.

Steps for Creating a Report

Whether you are writing student reports or marketing reports, all reports have basic contents that should be included when writing one. Here are easy steps to follow:

  • Search the format if a specific criteria is required in your institution or organization.
  • Identify your report title. Make this short and concise.
  • List your objectives. These are the rationale behind this report to guide you on the scope of data you will cover in the report.
  • Get your facts and gather the data needed.
  • Write an executive summary. More like an abstract in research paper, this is written after everything in the report was done. This will contain what the report is all about, the problems or issue that arise, the presented strategies, and the recommended solution.
  • Write your introduction. This portion would provide an outline of the content and the methodologies involved of the report.
  • Write the body of the report. The body of the report should include necessary information that would then be the basis for the analysis you will also write in this section.
  • Use graphical representations for numerical data. Charts are tools that would explain the data easily, so construct your graphs/charts comprehensively and in simpler form.
  • Conclude your report.