6+ Incident Analysis Report Samples

No matter how much we try to protect ourselves, we can never avoid fate. The same goes with unwarranted accidents. Global statistics show that over 2.3 million women and men around the world contract work-related accidents or diseases every year. Questions like “why do these incidents happen?” or “what should be done to prevent these injuries from happening again?” are brewing at the back of our minds. All of us can agree that we want to avoid these sort of situations. Thus, we implement preventive measures. Luckily, our site offers free and ready-made samples of Incident Analysis Report in order for you to properly assess and evaluate the post-accident process.

1. Incident Analysis Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


2.  Supervisors Incident Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


3. Standard Incident Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 161 KB


4. Printable Incident Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 161 KB


5. Post Incident Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


6. Incident Analysis Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


7. Editable Post Incident Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


What Is an Incident Analysis Report?

An incident analysis report is a method for determining what happened, how and why it happened, what can be done to prevent recurrence and make the environment safer, and what lessons can be learned. Thus, conducting an incident analysis post accident is a necessary tool in order to remove the root causes by taking precautions against a repeat of the same situation. Through an incident analysis report, security incident plans can be further improved and strengthened.

How to Write an Incident Analysis Report

Take note, not all incidents are the same. Each plausible accident that may happen should be prepared and planned with an appropriate response. However, if you’re interested in creating your own Incident Analysis Report, here are some key components to guide you:

1. Select a particular situation.

Since not every episode is the same, the first step is to select a particular situation which has occurred that can be used. Take for example, it can be a physical problem or a social situation. Situations to consider are:

  • Arguments between employees, fire, faulty equipment, and so on.

2. Describe the incident.

Fully disclose the specifics of the incidents. Items to include are:

  • When and where did it occur? (time of day, location, social context)
  • Detailed description of what happened (who said and/or did what)?

3. Analyze the pattern

Although not all incidents are the same, they are not unique either. Identify the patterns of these sort of situation from the past and assess if this sort of situation has occurred before. Some questions to consider are:

  • Do cases like these increase only during a certain time of the year?
  • Are repeating individuals involved in these cases?
  • Do conditions like these happen more than once?

4. Implement preventive measures

The main purpose of an incident analysis is to determine how to prevent these situations from happening again and minimize the repercussions affecting the organization and the individuals involved. Items to include are:

  • Installing security measures (such as cybersecurity and cameras)
  • Review current policies and update them.
  • Create an emergency response plan.


What are the types of incident reports?

  • Workplace Incident Report.
  • Accident Report.
  • Safety/Security Incident Report.

Why is it important to classify incidents?

If the problem cannot be resolved, the classification decides which incident escalation group is appropriate. The action of categorizing the issue expedites the incident management process and improves process flow efficiency.

What is the incident management process?

a collection of procedures and actions used to respond to and address important occurrences, including how incidents are identified and communicated, who is responsible, what tools are utilized, and how the problem is resolved.

What are the categories of severities and impacts?

The impact of an incident on the business is measured by incident severity levels.

  1. A critical incident with very high impact
  2. A major incident with significant impact
  3. A minor incident with low impact

Who signs an incident report?

Ensure that the incident report is signed off by the supervisor who was on duty at the time of the incident.

In summation, a Incident Analysis Report is crucial to determine which are the weak areas of the current prevention and safety security plan and policies. With the use of our free and downloadable Incident Report samples, you can make sure that you will respond to the next incident with more precision on your emergency response plan— or better yet, you can avoid it altogether. Print these samples out and you’re good to go!