An investigation report is a document written to let know a concerned party about a particular incident that has occurred and the actions that might be taken regarding the situation. This kind of report is kept in archives, while not in use, and are recovered in case some details or clarifications and summary of all the critical details are needed. Check out the various investigative summary report templates and choose the one that best suits your purpose.

What is the objective of an investigation report?

The objective of the investigation is to survey in detail the allegations, to inspect the evidence in-depth, and to determine specifically whether academic research analysis misconduct has been committed, and if so, the accountable person and therefore the seriousness of the misconduct.

What are the types of investigation?

Types of Criminal Investigation are as follows:
  • Sexual crime investigations.
  • Crime scene investigations.
  • Fraud investigations.
  • Theft investigations.
  • Kidnapping investigations.
  • Criminal defense investigations.
  • Homicide investigations.
  • Assault investigations.

How do you write an investigation report?

Here are the basic steps to writing an investigation report:
  1. Keep a purpose in mind
  2. Collect the details regarding the investigation
  3. Arrange the details into different sections
  4. Mind the tone and language
  5. Consider the length
  6. Keep it simple
  7. State accurate facts
  8. Stick to the point

What is the main aim of the accident investigation?

When incidents are investigated, the importance should be concentrated on finding the depth cause of the incident so you can prevent the event plan from happening again. The purpose is to find facts that can lead to corrective actions, and not to find fault. 

Why is it important to investigate incidents?

Incident investigations report are meant to determine the cause of an incident, to point out unsafe conditions or acts and to recommend corrective actions so that such types of incidents don’t occur in the future. The purpose must be prevention, not blame.

8+ Investigation Summary Report Samples in PDF | DOC

1. Workplace Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 233.1 KB


Get the complete well-constructed form of violent incident investigation summary report in this template. It will enable you to list down the particulars, description of a violent incident, evidence, incidence causation, corrective action, and report review. Download this template to create one similar type for your use.

2. Sample Compliance Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 130.5 KB


This sample will provide you complete reference on how to construct a Complaints Investigation Summary Report. It includes separate sections on the Summary of the allegations, The Investigation Process, Findings of Investigation, and Findings of Investigating Officer. Download the investigation report sample now to make your task hasslefree.

3. Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 577.8 KB


An example of an investigation summary report has been provided here which you can refer to. Check out the different sections which consist of details like introduction, system/project description, data in the system/project, data access & sharing, data integrity & security, data maintenance & retention, and business processes & technology. This formal report template will definitely help you constructing a proper investigation summary report.

4. Incident Investigation Summary Report Example

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Size: 181.0 KB


The objective of the incident report is to record the exact details of the occurrence while they are fresh in the minds of those who witnessed the event. This detail may be useful in the future when dealing with liability problems caused by the incident. Take a look at the example of the incident investigation summary report provided here and make use of it.

5. Investigation Summary Report in PDF

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Size: 295.5 KB


Get a whole manual of the example of the investigation summary report assigned here. Read it and get an ample amount of ideas and knowledge so that while creating a report outline you don’t face any kind of issues.

6. Basic Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 112.4 KB


Are you looking for a basic investigation summary report? You can consider this template as your solution. Check it out once and if you think it is essential for your use then download it without any further delay.

7. Formal Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 39.2 KB


Do you know the perfect procedure on how to build a complaint investigation summary report? The sample here will provide you with proper guidance about it. Follow the steps and procedure and create a better version of your needs.

8. Site Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 71.5 KB


Here is a professionally created example of a site investigation summary report. Download it and go through the components like its introduction, field program, analytical review, and summary, conclusions & recommendations sample. This will benefit you in creating a well constructive report for your own usage.

9. Environmental Investigation Summary Report Template

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  • DOC

Size: 13.6 KB


We have provided a sample of an environmental investigation summary report here in the doc file. You will now have the advantage of editing or modifying the entire file as you want to. Avoid the struggle of creating a new one from scratch by downloading and utilizing this sample.

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