Marketing is usually simpler on paper than in the real world. It involves massive industries and competitions that a prospective businessman need to be aware of. You have to be smart in using your resources and making your moves to make sure that your business doesn’t crash in the near future. It is vital to be aware of the market environment and the countless possible factors that may or  may not affect you when you when making important decisions. Before ideas, processes, products, and even entire businesses are made, feasibility reports are usually done to look at how things work, how will they work, if there are problems that need to be addressed, and if the decision to make is feasible with the amount of resources available or not. Companies want to know if a venture will be successful or not before investing time and money into it.

Writing Market Feasibility Reports can be a daunting and overwhelming task. You have to go through so much data and see their correlation between one another and foresee its effects. It can be quite difficult especially for the inexperienced. Luckily, we are here to help you out.  Listed below are samples that can help you study and write your feasibility report.

10+ Market Feasibility Report Samples

1. Market Financial Feasibility Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 MB


2. Market Development Feasibility Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166 KB


3. Farmers Market Feasibility Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 762 KB


4. Market Feasibility Study Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Modern Market Feasibility Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 971 KB


6. Hotel Service Market Feasibility Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


7. Market Feasibility Phase Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 357 KB


8. Market Feasibility Project Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 MB


9. Market Feasibility Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 MB


10. Market Feasibility Study Analysis Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


11. Market Feasibility Research Progress Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 48 KB


What Is a Market Feasibility Report?

Feasibility reports are testimonies that influences the decisions of the company. It is done to persuade of help decision makers to choose between one option and another. It determines whether the proposed task can be done with the amount of available resources or not and the amount of resources necessary to carry out the proposed task. Feasibility reports are used to sway decision makes towards one direction or another,  usually there is only one course of action but it is also good to have an alternative available.

Elements of a Market Feasibility Report

Elements outlined do not have to be in the feasibility report. It depends on the audience, circumstance, mission, etc. It also doesn’t have to be in the order stated and most of the time the conclusion is mentioned more than once. These are only elements that have to be considered in writing a feasibility report. Depending on the circumstances they may or may not be required, but their presence is still vital to the overall report.

  1. Introduction
    Convincing the decision maker is a top priority. Make sure to let them read your report first before even considering the alternatives. Open with the benefits they will gain as an organization or personally by reading your report.
  2. Constraints
    Make sure to map out the criteria of the ideal outcomes. This will allow you to make decisions logically and practically.  This also makes sure that the audience decide in their best interest.
  3. Method
    Present facts that are accurate and relevant. Include reliable sources, methods that you have gathered and where they came from. You don’t want your report to lack credibility.
  4. Alternative options
    Emphasize the features of each available option. Make sure to present in a friendly layout and that it is not difficult to understand.
  5. Evaluation
    This is the biggest part of your report. Include graphs, charts, and other data to show that you have studied all options and have acquired statistics to back them up.
  6. Conclusion
    State conclusions that you have come to. What came of your evaluation? Which alternative fits the organization the most?
  7. Recommendations
    Present your opinion and recommendations professionally.

It is important to keep alternatives present when creating a feasibility report. Decision makers generally want to understand why they need to make a decision and why a certain decision is the best one to take. Market Feasibility Reports need to include complete information on the problem presented to provide decision makers the reason to further consider alternative options.


What is feasibility study report?

Feasibility Study Report (FSR) is a formally documented report of a feasibility study that summarizes its results and conducted evaluations.

What are 4 types of feasibility?

The four types of feasibility are schedule, operational, technical, and economic.

How much does a feasibility study cost?

The cost can vary greatly depending on the depth and the extent of the study.