For project supervisors and developers, keeping track of the overall progress of the project is as important as its success. Monitoring the project is one, if not, the most important aspect in making sure that the project succeeds. That’s why project developers often require their team and everyone else who is actively working on the project to write and submit a project status report. Status reports allow the management to keep track of a project around a certain period of time. It’s usually in a timespan of a couple of working days such as a week, or in some cases, a month. To gauge a summary of what the team has accomplished in that given amount of time. Status reports also give an opportunity for employees to think about their works, how they’ve contributed to the overall progress of the project and to the whole team. It also allows employers to properly delegate tasks according to the strengths and weaknesses of each employee.

Monthly project status reports provide a clear overview of an employee’s workweek. It usually covers details such as tasks accomplished, progress made, plans for the next month, and challenges encountered in this month. Despite being a formal report, the overall presentation is actually very brief and concise, since it only covers the facts and other information regarding all the progress made and the status of the project. You as an employee have to make sure that it is free from grammatical and spelling errors, and that the information is presented clearly and straight to the point. Developing a monthly project status report can be a lot of work, because it covers more than your usual weekly report, hence requiring a lot more information and data to include. To get a proper grasp of what the document is, check out these monthly project status report samples listed below. You can use these as a guide as well, or as a template, for when you begin writing your own.

10+ Monthly Project Status Report Samples

1. Monthly Project Status Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


2. Monthly Engineer Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 361 KB


3. Infrastructure Monthly Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Printable Monthly Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 207 KB


5. Formal Monthly Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Editable Monthly Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 122 KB


7. Monthly Project Status Report Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 107 KB


8. Monthly Project Work Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 223 KB


9. General Monthly Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


10. Monthly Building Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 102 KB


11. Standard Monthly Project Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 223 KB


What Is a Monthly Project Status Report?

Monthly project status reports provide a clear and complete summary of an employee’s workdays in a whole month. It contains a recap of their overall progress in the past month, the tasks they have accomplished for the sake of the project, the current status of the project, achievements and accomplishments all around, challenges encountered and how the employee got around those problems. Project developers typically require a monthly status report from their members to get a quick snapshot of what an employee has accomplished after working on the project. Consequently using that information to delegate additional tasks and goals for the employee to work on. It also provides them an idea of the ingenuity of an employee by learning how they got around unique problems they have encountered. Reports such as this also give the management a clear scope of the strengths and weaknesses of an employee, enabling them to decide which task each member can work on effectively and efficiently. For an employee such as yourself, monthly project status reports should also give you an opportunity to review your progress and overall quality of work. You can use these information to conduct your own evaluation of yourself making you able to continuously improve.

How to Write a Monthly Project Status Report

Monthly project status reports can be quite cumbersome to develop. They are usually important documents required by the management so you have to ensure that you are writing them properly, that they are easy to understand, brief and straight to the point. Breaking down the writing process into 5 components should make it a ton easier.

  1. Establish the purpose
    The purpose of your report should dictate the information that will be in it. What pieces of information do your supervisors exactly need? What are they looking for? You should be able to know the answers to these questions early on. Usually it contains details such as the progress of the project and its current status, challenges encountered and solutions developed, timelines, schedules, deliverables, and plans for the next month and the future. It should be the same things for the next following months unless the management says otherwise.
  2. Know your role
    Another thing to keep in mind to make sure that your report is actually well written is that you have to be perfectly clear with your role in project development. Make sure that you exactly know what the definition of success is and that you perfectly understand your role and the tasks delegated to you.
  3. Layout
    A report is more than slapping a bunch of sentences on a bunch of pieces of paper. A well written report follows a properly established layout. A well made layout makes sure that your presentation is brief, concise, straight to the point, and visually appealing. There should be a sense of presentation in it, like you actually tried to make it look good. The templates and samples we’ve provided above should be more than enough to give you an idea of what a properly laid out report looks like, but feel free to look for more examples online if you still feel uninspired.
  4. Characteristics
    Monthly project status reports should be informative, short and concise doesn’t mean you have to significantly reduce the information you are presenting. Include everything, but present it in a matter of fact way. No unnecessary or stray information and no explanations that are longer than they need to be. Also don’t use too many work jargons. You may be submitting it to your team leader but they would really appreciate it if your presentation is as clear as possible.
  5. More details to keep in mind
    1. Summarize
    2. Proper dates and dating system
    3. Deliverables
    4. Tasks and progress reports
    5. Title
    6. Highlight results and accomplishments
    7. Challenges encountered and solutions developed
    8. Plans for the next few months


What is a weekly progress report?

Weekly progress reports are used as a means of communication between every department that is involved in project development. The report can also be used as an evaluation tool for each employee.

What should be included in a project status report?

Project details. Team members. Status Date. Schedule of project.

What is a project report format?

Project reports should be like conference papers, concise and focused.

Drafting a project report could have a lot of weight into it. Because it’s vital document, for the sake of both employer and employee. A well written report can go a long way for the development of your project. There is so much power in having your team know exactly what stage of the project development you are in, and what steps you will be taking to move forward.

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