Incidents happen anytime, anywhere, whether it’s a harassment incident, medical incident, or fire accident. So, if you’re a human resources team, small business owner, school supervisor, or workplace emergency first responder, you need to prepare a preliminary incident report. It is an excellent way for you to write down the critical incident witness statement while following a workplace policy. Aside from that, you can immediately take legal action to investigate the situation at hand with the report.

10+ Preliminary Incident Report Samples

1. Preliminary Incident Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 91 KB


2. Preliminary Incident or Accident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 165 KB


3. Preliminary Incident Response Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 177 KB


4. Preliminary Information Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


5. Preliminary Incident Report Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 143 kb


6. Standard Preliminary Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 167 KB


7. General Preliminary Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


8. Formal Preliminary Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 21 KB


9. Aviation Incident Preliminary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 80 KB


10. General  Preliminary Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 459 KB


11. Preliminary Incident Investigation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 125 KB


What Is a Preliminary Incident Report?

A preliminary incident report is a document used to record any injury incident, security incident, and other workplace accident. It needs to be completed within 48 hours or two days when an incident occurs, no matter how damaged it is. Using this report will prevent others from being harmed in the same manner, improving workplace safety. Moreover, it also contributes to the success of the safety assessment.

How to Make a Preliminary Incident Report

To ensure the safety of all your employees, staff, or students, you need to prepare a detailed and comprehensive preliminary incident report. However, if you’re now sure what it should look like, you can follow the steps below to conduct sufficient investigations. It will guarantee you in avoiding those incidents from happening again.

1. Include your branding in your report format

Like other documents you craft for your business, it’s also an excellent way to incorporate branding in your incident report. Adding your brand colors can help you achieve a professional-looking incident report. You place them in the report header, footer, sidebar, and in any visuals.
Aside from that, you could use your brand colors as a background for your incident report.

2. Categorize your details into sections using boxes

Organizing an incident report through sections is one of the greatest assets in having a readable form. One way to create them is through boxes or in a tabular format. Don’t forget to set a uniform color for them too.

3. Color code the sections of your report

Colors aren’t just great for making your presentations and charts more impressive to look at. You can also use color to organize your report sections and draw attention to crucial information. Make sure to use a color hue that may not strain the eye.

4. Use icons to visualize ideas

You can also use icons to reinforce the details in your reports. Additionally, you can also utilize them to draw attention to specific fields and essential pieces of information. Nevertheless, always use the appropriate icon that will serve your purpose.

5. Add a visible header to your report

You may also add a visual header to your reports as part of your business branding. As you can see, headers are your best tool to represent your company, even on an incident report. So, make sure to select a well-made header that is pleasant to the eyes.


Why Is a Preliminary Incident Report Important?

A preliminary incident report is vital to record the incident in a particular place. Thus, it is also used to prevent the incident from happening again.

Can I Make a Mock Incident Report?

Yes, you can create a mock incident report. Just make sure that it has all the necessary sections and details to make it more efficient.

Is It Possible to Add More Sections?

Yes, it is possible as long as it can contribute to a more organized incident report content.

Although being conditioned for the unexpected may be challenging, preventive measures are the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy and safe environment. But with a preliminary incident report, you can prevent recurring incidents from happening, and at the same time, it serves as your company’s incident response protocol. You need to have a suitable and comprehensive incident report form prepared and on hand.