Whenever an incident occurs a preliminary investigation has to be immediately carried out. Most especially if the incidents are a grave and serious matter. This type of investigation are then summarize into a preliminary investigation report which contains the findings, gathered evidences, witnesses statements and other relevant matter. To learn more about a preliminary investigation report and how to draft one, do continue reading this article. Also don’t forget to check out our free preliminary investigation report samples below for easier reference:
10+ Preliminary Investigation Report Samples
1. Preliminary Investigation Report Sample
2. Escalator Incident Preliminary Investigation Report
3. Formal Preliminary Investigation Report
4. Preliminary Investigation Report Format
5. Redevelopment Study and Preliminary Investigation Report
6. General Preliminary Investigation Report
7. Strategic Preliminary Incident Report
8. Basic Preliminary Investigation Report
9. Printable Preliminary Investigation Report
10. Professional Preliminary Investigation Report
11. Editable Preliminary Investigation Report
What Is a Preliminary Investigation Report?
Whenever an accident or incident occurs the first response of any investigating team is to perform a preliminary investigation. This is the process in which includes all other activities performed at the scene or site. Preliminary investigation is not limited to this type of scenario as it is also administered for any research related projects. In a project related setting, it refers to the collection of information that guides the management of an organization to evaluate the merits and demerits of the project request and make an informed judgment about the feasibility of the proposed system. Basically an investigation report should include any introduction, background and findings and recommendations. In this case, these information should be based from the initial investigation conducted, hence a preliminary investigation report.
How To Write a Preliminary Investigation Report?
A preliminary investigation report can basically be practiced in numerous scenarios such a for feasibility or case studies, crime scene or site investigations, system analysis, outbreak investigation and many others. Its universal usage is applicable in all types of scenario as long as an investigation is underway. It is impartial and based on evidence, not on the opinions of an investigator or the parties involved. With such a broad subject matter, what does a preliminary investigation report compose of? Let us cater to the basic components which comprises this type of investigation report. As I said, contents of a preliminary investigation report, would depend on the source of the subject matter. What we have below is a simple or standard content of a preliminary investigation report.
I. Description
Provide general information on the subject of investigation. You can add the purpose why the investigation was conducted which defines the objectives, specify the type of case and record the complaint summary.
II. Documentation of Evidence
Include report of the investigative interviews conducted, document physical evidence, and define the process on how the evidence was gathered. Describing your investigation team: who it was made up of, their qualifications, their positions and anything else relevant about them. Determine if relevant policies and pivotal documents related to the complaint and whether to include attachments or incorporate the text into the report.
III. Investigation Structure
Summarize all the allegations and fact findings. Give a brief account of any relevant events leading up to the incident, provide a chronological account of what happened during the incident, which is supported by any witness statements or physical, digital or other sources of evidence. Lastly, describes in detail what happened to all parties immediately after the incident. Include any details and results of any forensic processing and results.
IV. Recommendation and Conclusion
The report should focus on the actual facts of the investigation until the final section on findings and recommendation. Propose recommendations for corrective action. Present a final decision on a case, includes summarized information about a certain violation and the policies that will be applied. Summarize the immediate causes and the root causes and anything else you think is specifically relevant.
V. Appendices
Include other relevant information or necessary additional materials.
What are Preliminary Inquiries?
Preliminary inquires or preliminary hearings is when a judge reviews evidence and if it is sufficient enough to proceed with a trail.
Why Are Investigations Important?
Relatively investigations are performed to address a problem in hopes of trying to find a solution to that problem. Its purpose is to to explore in detail the allegations, to examine the evidence in depth, and to determine specifically whether academic research misconduct has been committed, and if so, the responsible person and the seriousness of the misconduct.
What Is a System Investigation?
This is process of finding out what the system is being built to do and if the system is feasible. This will aid in understanding the technical resources of the organization and the applicability to the needs of the system.
To be able to find a possible solution to a pressing issue or incident, investigations are performed to address to it immediately. We do not want any baseless accusation or needless conclusions just because of what we saw or feel. With an effective preliminary investigation report, we are then supported by our claim based on the comprehensive details summarized in a detailed report. Providing a step closer into solving the issue.