Press reports (or press releases) are one of the big parts of the marketing strategies of businesses to get media coverage and publicity. However, only a small percentage of the thousands of press releases out there are published by media outlets. If you want your press report to stand out from the rest, you need to write an effective press release. In order to do that, read the article to provide you a few tips and press release examples to help you get started:
5+ Press Report Samples
1. Press Release Company Quarter Results Report

2. Criminal Press Report
3. Weekly Press Report
4. Organization Press Report
5. Production Press Report
6. Political Press Report
What is a Press Report?
First, you need to understand what is a press report is all about. A press report or press release is a written formal announcement regarding a piece of new and significant information about your brand. This helps promote your brand to the masses, store important data for future reference, and, if published online, can boost your website’s search engine optimization (SEO).
How to Write a Press Report
Writing a press report is similar to writing a news article. It needs to be clear, brief, and straight to the point. The main format of writing the press report has three elements. These are the headline, lead, and body. To start writing one, here are some points to consider:
1. Make it Newsworthy
Before you start writing your press report, think of the relevance of the topic. Is it something new that nobody has known about? Is there any unusual update? Would people care to know about this event or this product? These questions can guide you to determine if your press article is important enough for anyone to care to get it published. Make sure the press report can create an impact on the masses.
2. Make Your Headlines Pop
Businesses send their press reports to journalists and media outlets hoping to get their stories published. Since they usually received lots of emails, they will only read those with interesting headlines. For your press report to get noticed right away, make a headline that talks about the subject of your report right away; let them know what the story is about and its relevance. Write it in a way that could catch the interest of the journalist or else they will just skip it.
3. Make Your Lead Say What the Story is All About
Okay, so you got the journalist to open your email, now they’re going to read your report. The first line of your press report is crucial since this will determine if the report is worth reading. If you haven’t grabbed the journalist’s attention in your first line, they won’t likely read your report any further.
Journalists want to know about the information of the new product or right away and see if it’s worth publishing. The lead must be a summary of what the whole report is about. It should be written in no more than 20 words. Read how news stories are written; the opening lines tell the story right away. Read a lot of news articles to guide you on writing leads.
4. Make People Care About the Story
In the rest of your report, write about the product or event you’re writing more details on why this is important for everyone to care about. Explain it in a way that everyone can understand what you’re talking about and make it interesting enough for people to bother reading your press report for an event or for a new product. Adding a photo of your article can be helpful to add more information.
5. Report Must be Concise
A press report, just like most news articles doesn’t have to be lengthy and wordy. Most press reports have an average of 300 to 400 words only with three to four short paragraphs only. Don’t add any more unnecessary details that don’t add anything to your report. It’ll only make your report longer. Try to use subheadings to make the report more pleasant to read.
What is the purpose of a press release?
The purpose of a press release is to get generate media publicity. And attract attention from the masses through a news article or news report.
When is the best day to send a press release?
The days of the week to send out a press release are from Mondays to Thursdays; early in the morning until early afternoon. Avoid sending a press release on a Friday because most journalists don’t have work on weekends and won’t bother to read your email.
Is a press release still worth to make?
A press release is still as worthy and relevant now. It is a cost-effective marketing strategy (meaning it’s free) and it help reach a vast number of people to get exposed to your brand.
How often should you release a press report?
It is best to often share your press releases with journalists to gain more attention for you and your brand. Try to release a press report every other week or once a month to gain recognition and familiarity with journalists.
Once you get the hang of writing press reports, it isn’t difficult to write one. There are only three parts to follow in writing it and you only have to write about the importance of a new product or event of your brand. The tricky part is getting the journalists’ attention to your report, but don’t fret about it.
Think of it as a challenge and set your expectations a bit high. This will help motivate you on writing better press releases. With determination, it can take you a long way to release fabulous press reports. If you need the inspiration to start writing a press report, refer to the press report sample templates above. For more sample articles templates, click on the link and start downloading. Not only they are downloadable they are printable too.
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