Have you heard about research reports? Well if you do, let’s try to learn more about it. Research reports are designed to develop your ability to complete research aspects including research design and its significance on a certain field. This includes mostly of the sections pertaining to research methodology, but it should be more contextualized. In cases like this, research reports should have an in-depth discussion of the findings. This discussion should focus on the broader sense of the research’s significance. In this article, you will be going to know more about the basics of a primary research report.

10+ Primary Research Report Samples

1. Printable Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 347 KB


2. Primary Research Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


3. Standard Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


4. Primary Research Report Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Basic Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


6. Professional Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


7. General Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 315 KB


8. Formal Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


9. Strategic Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 643 KB


10. Editable Primary Research Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


11. Primary Research Recycling Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 383 KB


What is a Primary Research Report?

A primary research report is a type of document that is either prepared by an analyst or a strategist who is a part of the research team. This can either focus on the specific business aspect like stocks, currency and commodities or even a geographic region. They have recommendations that a certain individual can act upon. This can be produced by different sources.

There are steps on how to create a successful research report. First is you have to choose a topic. It should have a subject that can easily be understood. After that, you make a plan. You may consider creating a calendar to map out the process. Conduct research and take some notes. You may use a variety of resources like books and periodicals in a library or even articles from the internet.

Do not forget to make an outline of your project. This will help you write your research report in an organized manner. After doing that, you may now start to write the report. Use the outline as your guide to keep the structure organized. After you have written the entire report, consider rereading and editing. If there are errors, you can still change it. Check and correct mistakes before submitting the report.

Research Report Outline

1. Cover Page – this must include the name of the writer and the necessary information.

2. Table of Contents – these are the lists of the main sections including subsections with page numbers, reference list and appendices.

3. Abstract – this should only be written in a single paragraph that tells about an overview of the methods, objectives, results and conclusion.

4. Introduction – this is also considered as the rationale of the study explaining why the issues are significant for investigation.

5. Literature  Review – this is all about the summary of the major themes and concepts and can be provided with an existing study that is related to the subject matter.

6. Methods – this pertains to the methods and procedures used when conducting the research.

7. Results – the results should include illustrations, charts and tables.

8. Discussion – this includes evaluation of the results. Take note that results and discussion can be combined.

9. Conclusion – the conclusion must be stated clearly in the report. It restates how the study met the main objectives and recaps the limitations that is covered in the discussion.

10. Recommendations – this is the lists of the suggestions according to its importance.

11. References – these are the sources that you used in your research report and should be arranged alphabetically.

12. Appendices – these are the documents or necessary material that is included in the research activity.


How do you start a research report?

First you have to choose a topic and then make a research and take down some notes. Formulate a thesis statement and create an outline.

When do you use a research report?

You use a research report whenever there is a need to communicate information that has been compiled as a result of data analysis.

What is the use of a research report?

Research reports is a medium to communicate your research work.

Writing research reports require a lot of detailed information. It should be written clearly and concisely with the use of an outline to properly structure and make your report pleasing and organized. You may check out some examples of the primary research report above.