Every company and organization hand out different types of memos to their employees to provide new information or instruct them to do an action. One common type of memo written and distributed in an office setting is a recommendation memo. You may not know what that means. Basically, it is a memo that the sender wrote to recommend other employees to follow their recommendations. Writing one doesn’t have to be difficult once you’ve read this article and follow the tips below on how to write a recommendation memo report.
6+ Recommendation Memo Report Samples
1. Priority Recommendation Memo Report
2. Recommendation Memo Grading Report
3. Recommendation Memo Council Report
4. Committee Recommendation Memo Report
5. Phase Recommendation Memo Report
6. Commission Recommendation Memo Report
7. Award Recommendation Memo Report
What is a Recommendation Memo?
The recommendation memo is a one-page document that directly and tactfully reports new information or brings about action to be done. Memos are very brief; if they take two pages, they are way too long. It is used by managers to convey new information to employees or get them to do any action.
Details to Include in a Recommendation Memo Report
Since there are different types of memos, the format varies. However, the main idea of a memo still stays the same. They contain brief and straight-to-the-point details; ideally, the memo should only have one page, but sometimes it cannot be followed.
Start by writing the date of when the memo was made, to whom it is addressed, and the subject of the memo.
1. Intention
The first paragraph is where you express your intent. Yes, you need to get straight to the point right there and there. You need to clearly define your purpose of writing such a memo and the objectives that you want to accomplish through that memo. For example, you declare that everyone must do an intervention about a certain situation that doesn’t look too well. You can begin the paragraph with the phrase “this memo recommends…”.
2. Background
Give a brief background on why you brought up your intent in the first place and the reason why it needs urgent action to address it. Make sure you only focus on the key details and make sure they are all factual. Present the background clearly and understandable enough for readers to follow.
3. Recommendation
Here is where you layout your recommended actions to do to address the situation. Your presented actions must be clear and specific for readers to comprehend and attainable for everyone to follow. Make sure your actions answer the questions what, when, and how.
4. Basis for Recommendation
To convince your reader to do the recommended actions you described above, give them an explanation on why they should do it. 2-3 reasons will suffice. Make sure your basis is for the entire organization or company to benefit from your recommended actions.
5. Discussion
Just to be more transparent with your recommendations, here is where you will discuss some limitations of the actions and welcome any reader’s recommendations of other alternative actions to do if your original recommendations might not work.
6. Closing Remarks
The last part of the memo is where you orient the reader to when they are expected to start doing your actions. You can also add that they can discuss with you further regarding the recommendation. Don’t forget to put and highlight the date of when they are supposed to do it so they will be guided when to comply to do your actions.
What are the five types of memos?
The five types of memos are:
- Request Memo: This memo is asking for a request from someone with the hopes of gaining a favorable response from the receiver. This is written in a way to convince the person.
- Confirmation Memo: This memo is written to verify in writing that something has been agreed to verbally.
- Periodic Report Memo: This type of memo is usually submitted on a regular fixed schedule and so they are written frequently. One example is a report memo.
- Ideas and Suggestions Memo: As the name suggests, this type of memo asked the reader to convey ideas or suggestions to address a problem or situation.
What is the main purpose of a memo?
Memos inform people in an organization or company about new information like policy changes, price increases, or by persuading them to take action, such as attend a monthly meeting or change a current production procedure.
What are the benefits of memo?
Memos are quick, convenient, and inexpensive means of communication within an organization to reach every employee. It also helps maintain written records of every piece of information in a memo.
Don’t forget to go over your memo and proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors. Correct those when you spot them. Make sure your memo is readable and easy to understand and has the correct format. Make sure you outline your recommendations well. If you’re confident that your written memo is perfect, print them out and make copies to distribute to everyone or pin it on bulletin boards. To help you on writing an efficient recommendation memo, download our free sample templates above!