Whenever a particular company is planning to implement new project, it should be aware of how it is progressing. It needs to monitor the findings and the decisions made by a particular team especially when it is all about improvement. In order to provide information, status reports are being written. It is just like giving an update about the progress of a specific work. A well-written status report is very useful for both the institution and the individuals. Aside from getting highly accurate information, it would also provide for an assistance with the research or project that you are working on. Continue reading and you will be going to know more about the fundamental methods of creating a research status report.
10+ Research Status Report Samples
1. Research Status Report
2. Risk Research Status Report
3. Research Management Financial Status Report
4. Basic Research Status Report
5. Vehicle Research Status Report
6. Endorsed Research Status Report
7. Construction Research Status Report
8. Journal Research Status Report
9. Technical Research Status Report
10. Cooperative Research Status Report
11. Student Research Status Report
What is a Research Status Report?
A research status report is a type of document that tells about the status or progress of your research and how far have you already gone with regards to the completion of your project. It gives an outline of the activities that you might be carrying out, the completed tasks and the milestones that you have achieved. Research status report is written depending on the scope and how complex a research activity is.
All throughout the duration of your career, you will always be encountering a lot of reports. You would oftentimes find yourself playing with the data and graphs than working with it. Reports do not have to be very time-consuming to work on.
Research status report is essential since it enables you get everyone on the same page. Every individual who will be given a chance to see the report will know what has being accomplished. This will help you prevent any possible confusion about what has already been done and has yet to be done. It also facilitates collaboration. When you are able to know what the team has been working on, you tend to make the work easy by collaborating to reduce task redundancy.
Aside from that, it also improves transparency and accountability. Here’s what you have to take note of. Once you have already passed the document, it will already become an official documentation. Another thing is that it improves evaluation and review. You have to learn how to examine documents including research status reports in order to find out errors and possible improvement methods.
You must avoid issues and loopholes on your report. Lastly, it provides insights that helps you in planning for your future. When you are aware of what kind of tasks need to be accomplished, you can monitor the status or progress of your research work.
We all have an experience wherein we can no longer decide how to begin the writing process. That is not even an unusual experience. One of the reason why people find it difficult to write reports is that they always think of the fact that they are not writers. Reports do not need to be fancy. It should be written in a simple manner.
What are the steps in writing status report?
Write the heading of your status report, compose an introduction, fill out the “work completed” section, specify the problems encountered, provide with quality information and summarize what you have written in the report.
How do you select a topic?
The topic should be determined by the recent research work you are working on.
What are other things to consider when writing a status report?
Status reports come in different format and must be project-centered. Write at least a two to three-page status report.
If you want to know about the progress or the status of your research, might as well consider writing status reports to see how far you have reached within your tasks. It will also serve as an evaluation to help you assess your work. Check out some of the research status report samples in this article to have more glance of what it looks like.