Daily reporting isn’t only for professional reporters. You’ll probably learn about it when you’re employed, especially if you work in the retail industry. Well, it’s actually a necessity regardless of what industry you work in. An essential skill to survive daily reporting is note-taking. Keeping a daily checklist of the day’s work should work to your advantage. At the end of the day, the list will remind you of what has been accomplished for the entire workday. You’ll also survive if you know something about retail end of day reports.

What Is an End of Day Report?

The end of a tiring workday marks the start of reporting. The report is a comprehensive summary of all the activities that took place within the day, specifically during work hours. An end of day report is an employee report that functions as a comprehensive work diary where employees write their daily activities. The end of day report is just part of the many daily reports required in business. The report document keeps business owners and managers on track of what is going on in the business.

When writing an end of day report, the writer must use the format preferred by the business. Using a project report format for an end of day report is unacceptable. The contents of each report are different from each other, and using a format other than the required format may result in an incomplete report. Your employer will come to think that you are not doing your job. And that’s not good. So if you want to know the right format, you must look into the different sample company reports in the company records.

Fill Me in

What does an end of day report do for a retail business? Reports are used to fill people in with the information or news that they need to know. The report could be on current events, new product discoveries, new scientific studies, or new medical breakthroughs. As a type of report, an end of day report is used for the same reason. In the retail business, the sample report fills in the managers on what is going on with the company. The report is very efficient, especially if the business has a lot of branches across different areas.

An end of day report includes a title for easy identification, a summary of the activities of the day, and the name and signature of the employee who wrote it. There are many ways of writing the summary of activities: in bullets, in essay form, or table form sample. When writing the summary, make sure to highlight the essential activities to show their importance. Keep your details as accurate as possible, and write simply to avoid opening a can of worms.

How to Write an End of Day Report

Writing an end of day report is not supposed to be difficult, but it must be comprehensive and informative. It’s more like writing a narrative essay that tells the story of the day’s productivity. Here is a guide to help you write an end of day report for work.

Step 1: Use a checklist or take down notes.

The list provided in a checklist is a convenient source of information to detail in your end of day report. It’s not only complete, but it’s also very accurate. Taking down notes of new tasks and activities helps supplement the list of tasks in the checklist template.

Step 2: Put a title.

“End of Day Report” should appear as the title of your report. The report can be easily identified when placed under a pile of documents, so finding it becomes easy. There is no need for a creative title when working with a business document like a report.

Step 3: Use the 5 Ws and how.

The 5 Ws and how is a data-gathering tool used by many journalists to write comprehensive reports. The answers to the questions what, where, when, why, and how are information present in an end of day report.  It’s also great if you can write a one-page summary of the report. One-page writing  can help you with that.

Step 4: Include your name and signature.

You have to show ownership of your work, so always write your complete name and affix your signature on top or at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Submit to your manager.

Know who you should submit the report and make sure to identify them in your report. The report you made will tell your manager of the work that you had accomplished for the day.

3+ Retail End of Day Report Samples in PDF | DOC

Here are end of day sample report in PDF and in Doc that you can check out ans use as reference.

1. Retail End of Day Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1.8 MB


2. Sample Retail End of Day Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14.3 KB


3. Retail End of Day Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110.0 KB


4. Retail End of Day Report in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 946.4 KB


There are many types of reports that you can make. Some are simple and some are complicated. An end of day report is conisdered one of the simple reports that employees can write on a daily basis. But with practice, writing report the most complicated types of report is made easier. If you don’t know how to write an end of day report, then it’s about time you start learning to write one.