9000 BC is the period when the barter system began, followed by the creation of currencies in 3000 BC. Since then, exchanging of goods and services have become a significant part of life. Those who make the goods became known as the manufacturers who will provide to the sellers who will sell the goods to the consumers. And so, the term “retail trade” was born to refer to the activity of selling to the final customer who will be consuming the product for personal use and not for further retail purposes. But since businesses and retailers should be aware of the changes in supply and demand, retail trade reports became a necessity.

10+ Retail Trade Report Samples in PDF | DOC

Retail trade reports are documents that detail the current state of the retail and trade industry. One example is how the industry is affected by the supply and demand chain during natural calamities. So, if you need some trade references and examples to guide you into documenting retail industry observations and studies, then you can scroll below to view our retail trade report sample forms and templates:

1. Monthly Retail Trade Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 407.8 KB


2. Retail Trade Industry Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 364.2 KB


3. Retail Trade Analysis Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 969.7 KB


4. Annual Retail Trade Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3.0 MB


5. Retail Trade Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 736.9 KB


6. Annual Retail Trade Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 112.9 KB


7. Retail Trade Industry Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1.6 MB


8. Retail Trade Report Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 480.0 KB


9. Formal Retail Trade Report Sample


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 529.2 KB


10. Retail Trade Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 529.9 KB


11. Retail Trade Report in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 58.9 KB


How to Make a Compelling Retail Trade Report

Retail trade reports are necessary for your business to grow. You can even win more customers and have higher sales results by analyzing the retail industry and trends, according to Vendhq.com. But how can you make a report that not only presents data but also helps you in making business-related decisions? Well, by keeping the following tips in mind:

Know How to Forecast the Retail Industry

Retail is one of the fastest-growing industries globally. And every day there are changes, especially since we are living in the times where technology offers convenience to manufacturers, sellers, and consumers. That is why you must know how to forecast changes in supply, demand, and trends of the retail industry to keep up the target market or consumers. One of the best ways to do this is by being aware of the rise of your competitors, collecting statistical data, and conducting retail customer surveys.

Plot Data with Graphs and Tables

Since you’ll be providing statistical data in your retail trade report, using graphs and tables is necessary to present the data well. Apart from that, you’ll also be able to show the patterns of any periodic data, such as improvements and declines in the sales of goods and services.

Consider Using Templates

Before the dawn of the internet, anyone who wants to have documents, legal forms, and data analysis reports will need to make one from scratch. But today, templates are available to use, so there no longer be a hassle in creating drafts and finalizing layouts. And unlike other websites that offer samples, examples, and templates, our site gives our downloadable items for free! Easy, convenient, and cost-efficient, isn’t it?

Why should I make retail trade reports?

Retail trade reports can help you monitor the progress of your company and the state of your business in the retail industry. You can easily look at how your sales have been going, what needs to be done, and what you should prioritize above all other aspects for your business.

Can I use your retail trade report samples regardless of the type of business I am managing?

Yes, you can use our retail trade report samples regardless of your business type or field in the retail industry. Just choose which among the samples or templates suit your business needs and preferences best, then hit the download button placed beside the sample’s image.

What can I include in my retail trade report?

Budget reports, project details, and your business’s expense sheet trackers can be some of the information that you can state in your retail trade report. Apart from that, you can also include the history of your business and bits of background, especially if you’re making the report annually.

How often should I make a retail trade report?

The frequency of making retail trade reports for your business or company depends on you and the company’s needs. However, doing it every quarter of the year is preferable since you will be able to have more data to include in your report instead of doing it monthly.

Am I required to participate in the state annual retail trade report?

Yes, as a business owner, your participation in the annual retail trade report is mandatory because the state must know the condition and status of your business along with other companies in the same industry field as yours. On the one hand, participating in the state monthly retail trade report surveys are optional.

When you have finalized your retail trade reports and have already presented them to your target audience, you must refrain from throwing them. Why? Because you can use the recorded data, studies, and everything you have plotted in the report for your next reports. It will serve as a document that you can compare current reports to. So, keep your trade reports along with your company profiles, business forms, and every document you will be having or using. And whenever you need such documents, just search them on our site, and we’ll provide you with free samples and templates that you can use immediately.