I’m sure you have already come across detective shows or movies where a detective snoops and follows a certain character around. Although this activity can make one gain some information about the person you are following, if you want to get to know somebody, I’m sure this is not the only method available.

You are probably also familiar with talk shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Ellen DeGeneres Show where people are known through lively interviews and animated conversations. While that’s a great way of getting to know somebody, there are other ways as well, like background checks. Below are Sample Reports on assessing background and they are all for free.

Criminal Background Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 466 KB


Sample Background Check Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 55 KB


Consumer Background Report Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


Standard Background Investigation Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


Basic Technical Background Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


Printable Company Background Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 53 KB


If you are a business owner and you’re looking for new employees to add to your staff, you naturally have a screening process. And since you want to get to know your applicants first, before you put the operations in your company on their hands, then one of the first things that you have to do is a background check.

A background check is a process of investigating a prospective or future employee. It is done by looking into records such as criminal, commercial, and even the financial aspect. You can check out our sample Investigation Reports for more details. Here are some of the reasons why doing so is crucial:

  • You can verify some of the facts your applicant has relayed during the recruitment process. Your applicants have of course submitted their resumes and any other documents necessary for them to get the job. You can check whether or not they are telling the truth about themselves.
  • You can find out about your applicant’s history and whether or not this could affect the job offer. Your prospective employee may have certain deeds in the past that might prevent him/her to be effective for the job.
  • You can get a fuller image of your applicant. You can know his/her story better.
  • You can protect your employees and your customers. If your applicant will turn out to be a liability in your business, doing a background check and not hiring him/her can at least keep your employees and your customers safe.
  • It can give you some peace of mind. You will feel at peace and confident knowing that the person or persons you hire are perfect for the job.


So there you have it. Make sure that you know who the people are in your company. We also have other reports in case you are interested, like Sample Consulting Reports.

Social Background Report to Download

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


Employment Background Report Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 157 KB


Background Report in Word

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 19 KB


Free Background Verification Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 444 KB


A business establishment is basically a microcosm of society. It is composed of very diverse individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. Despite the differences and diversity, it is important to have a pleasant working relationship. One of the keys to achieve this is by getting to know your colleagues or employees.

Unity is important in every working environment. Take note that working together is always fun. Working with people you agree with takes the fun up a notch, but working with people you consider your friends, now that’s the best, and that can only be achieved by getting to know a person. In case you’re looking for more reports for your business, we also have Sample Conference Reports to add to your files.

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