I’m sure you have already watched the movie, The Confessions of a Shopaholic. It stars Rebecca Bloomwood, played by Isla Fisher, as a woman who has a knack and enthusiasm for shopping that she ends up having trouble with her credit cards.

A movie like this, although fun and comical, reminds us of the importance of getting our finances on track and sorted out. I mean, it is cool if we spend our paychecks on dresses, bags, shoes, and on anything that we fancy. But we should still remember that there are a lot of other expenses that are as important and must be paid for. That is why below are Sample Reports you should be aware and informed of or risk having your bank manager tailing you everywhere.

Credit Report Template

credit report template

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Size: US, A4


Company Credit Account Denial for Unfavorable Report Template

company credit account denial for unfavorable report

File Format
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  • Pages

Size: US, A4


Request to Bank for Copy of Credit Report Template

request to bank for copy of credit report

File Format
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  • Pages

Size: US, A4


Sample Annual Credit Report Form in PDF

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Size: 70 KB


Credit Bureau Report in PDF

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Size: 57 KB


Equifax Credit Report to Download

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Size: 248 KB


Sample Credit Analysis Report Format

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Size: 74 KB


Statutory Credit Report Example

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Size: 95 KB


Credit Union Investigation Report in PDF

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Size: 369 KB


A credit report is a document that contains a person’s financial or credit history. It also includes your personal details like your name, your company, and your address. Moreover, it presents your payments. It is important because of some of the following reasons:

  • your credit report is a reflection of how you deal with your debts,
  • it can affect your future loans for properties that you might want to purchase or acquire, and
  • you can keep track of your finances or expenses.

Health doesn’t just pertain to your physiological well-being, it can also pertain to your financial status. In case you are having trouble with your credits and staying financially stable, the following can be your remedies:

  • Enumerate your debts. Make an honest list of everything that you have to pay for and haven’t. This way you will be more conscious with your expenses knowing that you have other financial matters that you need to address.
  • Make a budget and stick with it. Identify the things that you need and only need. Then discern for a budget that you think can cover your expenses. You can check out our Sample Budget Reports for more details.
  • Develop a tactic. How do you think can you pay all your debts off? Either you can make more money or simply have to lower your expenses.
  • Monitor your progress. Since you are to make adjustments, it’s also best to keep track whether or not you have been making some developments with your financial status. This can actually motivate you to change. A credit report is something you can’t simply ignore. If you are looking for a more comfortable life, getting out of debt is one of the things that could do it! You may also check our other sorts of reports, like Incident Report Samples.

Basic Employment Credit Report

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Size: 81 KB


Credit Rating Report Free

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Size: 207 KB


Standard Dispute Credit Report Letter

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 55 KB


Credit Risk Report Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 156 KB


Printable Credit Information Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 447 KB



If you have been really worried about your finances, you should and shouldn’t be. I mean, the worry can push you to wriggle yourself out of your situation. And you can always ask for help, from your family and friends, and well, your bank manager, everything will eventually look up.

Rebecca Bloomwood is a character everyone can surely relate. She is passionate, intelligent, and best of all, plenty nice. And she also has her fair share of financial problems. But do not forget how she got herself from a ton of debt—with the right optimism and enthusiasm, plus, a handful of clothes and garments in her closet. If she can do it, there is no reason why you can’t. If you are still looking for other sort of reports, we also have free Annual Report Samples.

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