The sole goal of a school is to see to it that their students are learning. Teachers have a variety of methods to make their students learn and have their knowledge assessed or evaluated. Some of the most common activities students are very familiar with are assignments, seat work, and term sample papers.

However, students will come to a point in their academic lives when they have to produce a thing called a research paper. A research paper is a document that contains an individual or a group’s systematic investigation about a certain topic or inquiry. If you are already asked to do your fair share of researching, below are Sample Reports you shouldn’t miss out on.

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Download Research Reports Bundle

Academic Research Report

Title Page

  • Title of the Report
  • Author’s Name
  • Course Name and Code
  • Instructor’s Name
  • Date of Submission


  • A concise summary of the research question, methodology, key findings, and conclusions (about 200-300 words).

Table of Contents

  • Lists all sections and subsections with page numbers.

List of Figures and Tables

  • If applicable, list all figures and tables included in the report with page numbers.


  • Introduce the research topic, providing background information and context.
  • Clearly state the research question or hypothesis.
  • Outline the report’s structure.

Literature Review

  • Summarize and critique existing research related to your topic.
  • Identify gaps in the current knowledge that your research aims to fill.


  • Describe the research design and methods used for data collection and analysis.
  • Include details on participants, instruments, procedures, and data processing.


  • Present the findings of your research without interpretation.
  • Use charts, graphs, and tables to illustrate data where appropriate.


  • Interpret the results, linking them to your research question and the literature review.
  • Discuss the implications of your findings and any limitations of your study.


  • Summarize the key findings and their relevance.
  • Suggest areas for future research.


  • List all sources cited in your report in the appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).


  • Include any additional materials (e.g., raw data, detailed analyses, questionnaires) that are relevant to the report but too voluminous for the main body.
academic research report

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Research Report for Students

Title of the Research Report
Subtitle (if applicable)

Name of the Student(s)
Department, University
Email Address(es)

Name of the Supervisor
Department, University
Email Address

Date of Submission:
[Day Month Year]

A concise summary of the research, including the purpose, methodology, main findings, and conclusions.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
III. Methodology
IV. Results
V. Discussion
VI. Conclusion and Recommendations
VII. References
VIII. Appendices

I. Introduction

  • Background of the study
  • Research objectives/questions
  • Significance of the research

II. Literature Review

  • Overview of existing research related to the topic
  • Identification of gaps in the literature

III. Methodology

  • Description of the research design
  • Data collection methods
  • Data analysis procedures

IV. Results

  • Presentation of findings (use charts, graphs, and tables where applicable)

V. Discussion

  • Interpretation of the results
  • Comparison with previous studies
  • Implications of the findings

VI. Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Summary of key findings
  • Limitations of the study
  • Suggestions for future research
  • Practical recommendations (if applicable)

VII. References
List all sources cited in the report following the required citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

VIII. Appendices
Include supplementary material such as raw data, detailed tables, questionnaires, etc.

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Final Research Report

Title Page

  • Title of the Research
  • Author(s)
  • Affiliation(s)
  • Date


  • A concise summary of the entire research, including the purpose, methodology, key findings, and conclusions (150-250 words).

Table of Contents

  • Lists the main sections and their page numbers for easy navigation.

List of Figures and Tables

  • Itemizes all figures and tables included in the report with page numbers.


  • Introduces the research topic, states the research problem, and outlines the objectives.
  • Presents the background and significance of the study.
  • Specifies the research questions or hypotheses.

Literature Review

  • Reviews relevant existing research and theoretical frameworks.
  • Establishes the foundation for the research and highlights gaps the study aims to fill.


  • Describes the research design, data collection methods, and analysis procedures.
  • Details the sample selection, instruments used, and any limitations of the study.

Results (or Findings)

  • Presents the data collected in an organized manner, using tables, graphs, and descriptive text.
  • Summarizes the findings without interpretation.


  • Interprets the results, linking them back to the research questions and existing literature.
  • Discusses the implications of the findings and any unexpected results.
  • Addresses the limitations of the study and suggests areas for future research.


  • Summarizes the key findings and their relevance.
  • Restates the significance of the study and its contributions to the field.

Recommendations (if applicable)

  • Provides suggestions based on the research findings for practical actions, policy changes, or further research.


  • Lists all sources cited in the research report following the appropriate academic style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Appendices (if necessary)

  • Includes additional materials like raw data, detailed analyses, questionnaires, or maps.

Acknowledgments (optional)

  • Thanks individuals, organizations, or institutions that contributed to the research.

Formatting Tips:

  • Ensure consistency in headings, subheadings, and text formatting throughout the document.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon where possible.
  • Proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  • Adhere to the citation style and formatting guidelines specified by your institution or publication.

This structure provides a comprehensive overview for writing a final research report, ensuring that all critical aspects of the research are communicated effectively.

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Browse More Templates On Research Reports

Market Research Report Template

market research report template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Sample Academic Research Report Template

academic research report template

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  • MS Word
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  • Pages
  • PDF


Business Research Report Template

business research report template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Research Report Cover Page Template

research report cover page template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Sample Investment Research Report Template

investment research report template

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  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Corporate Research Report Template

corporate research report template

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  • MS Word
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  • Pages
  • PDF


Company Research Report Template

company research report template

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  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Sample Brand Research Report Template

brand research report template

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Research Report Executive Summary Template

research report executive summary template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Tips For Writing Research Reports

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  1. Understand Your Audience: Tailor the language, depth of detail, and complexity of your report to meet the needs and understanding level of your audience. Whether it’s for academic peers, industry professionals, or the general public, ensure the content is accessible and relevant.
  2. Start with a Clear Abstract: Provide a concise and informative abstract that summarizes the key points of your research, including the problem, methodology, results, and conclusions. This helps readers quickly understand the essence of your report.
  3. Organize Your Report Logically: Follow a structured format that includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, findings/results, discussion, conclusion, and references. A logical flow helps readers follow your research process and findings.
  4. Be Precise and Concise: Use clear and direct language to convey your research. Avoid unnecessary jargon and verbosity. Make every word count by being as concise as possible without omitting crucial information.
  5. Use Visuals Effectively: Incorporate charts, graphs, tables, and figures to illustrate key findings and support your analysis. Visuals can help clarify complex data and make your report more engaging.
  6. Cite Sources Rigorously: Accurately cite all sources of information, data, and literature you’ve used in your research. This not only adds credibility to your report but also acknowledges the work of others in your field.
  7. Discuss Limitations and Implications: Be honest about the limitations of your research statement and discuss the implications of your findings. This demonstrates your critical thinking and understanding of the research context.
  8. Proofread and Edit: Thoroughly proofread your report for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Consider having a peer or mentor review your work for clarity and coherence.
  9. Include Recommendations: If appropriate, end your report with practical recommendations based on your findings. This can add value to your research by suggesting future directions or actions.
  10. Stay Ethical: Ensure your research and reporting practices are ethical. Respect privacy, obtain necessary permissions, and report data and findings truthfully.

Following these tips can enhance the quality of your research report, making it informative, credible, and impactful.

Product Research Report Template

product research report template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Sample Equity Research Report Template

equity research report template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages
  • PDF


Monthly Research Report Template

monthly research report template

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  • MS Word
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  • Pages


Survey Research Report Template

survey research report template

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  • PDF


Sample Research Progress Report Template

research progress report template

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  • Google Docs
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  • PDF


Quantitative Research Report Template

quantitative research report template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


Scientific Report Template

scientific report

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US, A4


Basic Equity Research Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 109 KB


Annual Research Progress Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Market Research Report Example

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  • PDF

Size: 504 KB


Research Methodology Report Template

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Size: 794 KB


Research Project Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 181 KB


Sample Qualitative Research Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


Types of Research Report

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  • Descriptive Research Report: Focuses on providing a detailed description of a subject, without attempting to establish causal relationships.
  • Analytical Research Report: Analyzes and interprets research findings to draw conclusions and make recommendations.
  • Experimental Research Report: Presents the methods, results, and analysis of controlled experiments.
  • Case Study Report: Examines in-depth the details of a particular case or situation, often in real-world contexts.
  • Survey Research Report: Reports on the data and analysis of surveys conducted to gather information from a sample of a population.
  • Review Research Report: Summarizes and evaluates existing research and literature on a specific topic, providing a comprehensive overview.

When you do your research report, make sure that you have all these parts I have enumerated. Also, do not forget to write your paper in an objective manner. For more information on other reports, you may check out our Sample Service Reports and Sample Trip Reports.

Research Reflection Report Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Market Research Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 152 KB


Research Proposal Report Outline Template

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  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


Action Research Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Scientific Research Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


Sample Primary Research Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


What is Formal Research Report?

A formal research report is a structured and detailed document that follows a specific format and style. It includes sections like an abstract, introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion. These report outline are often used in academic and professional settings to present research findings in a standardized and systematic manner.

What is the Role of a Research Report?

The role of a research report is to communicate the results, analysis, and conclusions of a research study to inform and educate readers, such as researchers, policymakers, or the general public, about a specific topic or issue. It serves as a valuable resource for decision-making, further research, or reference in various fields.

When do you need Research Report?

A research report is needed when you want to communicate the findings of a systematic investigation. It serves to document, share, and disseminate research outcomes to various audiences, contributing to knowledge and decision-making.

What is research report title?

The research report title is a concise and descriptive phrase that provides an overview of the study’s focus. It should capture the essence of the research, guiding readers on its subject.

Why do you need Research Report Samples?

Research report samples are required so that you can refer to the method of writing a research paper. As per the rules and guidelines, all the research papers must be submitted in a specific way. Your papers will not be accepted if they are written in any manner.

In conclusion, the research report serves as a comprehensive documentation of a study’s findings and insights. It plays a crucial role in advancing knowledge and facilitating informed decision-making in various fields.

A research report can be made for many situations, not just for school. It can be for matters on business and/or marketing. Likewise, it is not the only type of report as well, reports can actually come in many forms for different contexts; we have Sample Survey Reports in case you need these.

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