Education plays a very important part in our society, especially nowadays where we are basically in a fast moving world. More often than not, education dictates a country’s economy and economic growth. Given its education’s massive importance, it’s the job aid of the students to fulfill those tenets and become a pillar in an educated society. Students gather knowledge and wisdom not just for their own betterment and improvement, but also towards building and being part of a civilized society. Students are the future of the world. And just as they are trying to build the future of our society, they are also trying to manifest their own future. That’s why most students opt to start a business at a quite early stage in their lives. Just to have something that can help support them and their studies.

Student businesses are an interesting industry. They are not quite large enough to be impactful worldwide but they are also not small enough to not garner any sort of recognition. Some businesses may not make it but the concept as a whole states that student businesses are present and are sometimes successful. For a student that’s running their own business however, things can be quite daunting. There isn’t much experience for them to work with and sometimes multiple problems can arise all at once. Which makes things quite difficult for a startup business. Young business owners need something to keep track of their current business status, progress, and circumstance of any project or venture that they might currently be working with. This is why drafting a business report is one of the best advice an experienced business owner can give to amateur business owners, especially those who are still trying to balance their education and finances together. Business reports do this easily by communicating relevant information and more to the owner. Giving them a proper snapshot of how the business is doing and how they can possibly improve it. To get to know student business reports better, check out these samples that we have listed below. You can also use these samples as a guide or even as a template for when you want to write your own.

7+ Student Business Report Samples

1. Student Academic Business Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 201 KB


2. College Student Business Report Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


3. Student Business Score Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 694 KB


4. Student Business Assessment Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 476 KB


5. Student Business Cover Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Student Business Economics Assessment Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 269 KB


7. Student Self-Evaluation Business Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 248 KB


8. Student Program Business Meeting Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 167 KB


What Is a Student Business Report?

Business reports are mainly used as communication devices to evaluate particular issues, a set of circumstances, financial operations, and the performance of a particular business. It’s main purpose is to communicate these details in a sample brief and efficient manner. In a way that you and everybody else can easily understand. It definitely eases the troubles of starting a student business or company. Keeps everything nice and neat and gives you a proper view of the status of your business. Knowing your company well will enable you to make calculated and informed decisions for the continuous growth of your own industry. It’s usually drafted to respond to an executive or a supervisor, but for student business owners. who typically work on their own or with a small group of people, it can be drafted just for the sake of knowing where your venture currently stands. The document often takes form of a memo with a report attached. Use it as a communication device, from yourself, to yourself.

What Should Be Included in a Student Business Report

A business report should be drafted in an abbreviated format that allows the reader t0 easily navigate the report quickly and effectively. Being able to identify key elements with relative ease. It uses headings, sub-headings, bullet points, tables, and diagrams, to communicate relevant information effectively. Business report sample  can range from brief documents to a hundred pages or more. It usually includes the following five elements.

  • Table of contents
    • The table of contents should be arranged according to the headings and subheadings in your report.
  • Effective Summary
    • State a brief purpose of your report
    • Describe which methodology you used to investigate the issues you’ve identified.
    • List important key points and findings inside your report.
  • Body
    • Provide enough key details of the evaluation process
    • Describe the methodology used to solve the issues you’ve investigated
    • Identify particular issues that affected the evaluation
    • Include relevant tables, graphs, and diagrams
  • Key findings/recommendations
    • Identify and discuss key findings in your report
    • Write your recommendations regarding the findings and tackle the current issue
  • Conclusion
    • Summarize your findings and relate back to the initial issues that were intended for the report.


How is a report written?

Essentially, a report is a brief, concise, and sharp document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. It generally sets out and analyses a problem or circumstance, often creating recommendations for future sample plans. It’s a document that contains facts, and it should be well structured.

What are the types of report?

Some of the types of reports are:

  • Long report
  • Short reports
  • Internal and External reports
  • Vertical and Lateral reports
  • Periodic reports
  • Formal and Informal reports
  • Informational and Analytical reports
  • Proposal reports
  • Functional reports

What is a business report?

A business report is a document containing a collection of data and benefit analyses that helps make relevant and important information easily accessible to the company’s managers and supervisors.

This tutorial only gives a quite rough idea to establish a student business report. The presentation and format of the document overall entirely depend on the nature of your business and the environment that you will be working with. These factors may lead to some ideas of what should and what you should not include in your report.