10+ Technical Status Report Samples

One of the most important part of a project is keeping track of its progress. It is vital to the success of a project that all members be on the same page. The actual progress should also be compared to the project plan approved prior the start of the project. A Report Status helps with this need. It is a document that informs all members of all the knowledge they need in regards to the project. It does not only provide the progress of the project but also provide other necessary information such as costs and risks. With the importance of this document, making it from scratch will consume you a lot of hours, can even take up your personal time. To deal with this matter, our site provides you available and ready-made yet customizable templates that you could always personalize to according to your Technical Status Report needs. To help you in making these reports, take a look at these few templates in this article.

1. Technical Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 KB


2. Technical Payment Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


3. Sample Technical Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


4. Technical Support Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


5. Sustainability Technical Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 867 KB


6. Global Technical Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


7. Technical Assistance Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 242 KB


8. Technical Research Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


9. Technical Safety Concept Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 914 KB


10. Technical Monthly Status Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 126 KB


11. Technical Assessment Project Status Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


What Is Status Report Or Project Status?

A project status report is a document that would serve as a tracker in which it monitors the progress of a project within a specific time period and compares it against the project plan, to decide whether the certain part of the plan was achieved or not. Project managers use status reports to keep stakeholders, investors, members of the company, informed of progress and monitor costs, risks, time and work that could be gained or wasted along the process. Project status reports allow project managers and stakeholders to visualize project data through charts and graphs, a summarize report of the current totality of the project.

Benefits Of Status Reporting

Keep Track Of Project Development

The worst thing for a project is when you arrive at the end of the timeline and realize you were off track the whole time, it’s like wasting the time of your life for nothing at all! No one likes to be off track or lost—and as the project manager, you’re empowered to make sure your team, even the stakeholders and members of the project community are knowledgeable of your project  development at all times, and this could only be done through Status or Project Reports.

Progress reports can be very doable without even exerting a lot of effort into it. Because these reports mix high-level summaries with some important details, information and progress matrix everyone has a sense of the project’s development. And if the project is off track? You can discuss it within the committee for brainstorming, quickly and proactively fix it—so you still keep track of your project deadline on time and on budget.

Identify Next Steps And Action Plans

Project status reports should be professionally and properly disseminated to your project team, project sponsor, important stakeholders, and cross-functional team members and any other people or group of people that are tasked to take part of the project. Because these are high-level reports, they’re appropriate for anyone who wants to stay informed about project progress and keep track all the processes involved in making it.

This is the effective way of involving everyone who are concerned without overloading them with details that are not anymore part of their jurisdiction. Next part of identifying the problem is to determine the action plan, this should involve possible responses to possible challenges that could be encountered throughout the physical development of the project.


What is a status report?

A status report is a collection of information about the current status of a project. Project status reports are used to communicate the current progress on a project to the project team and stakeholders.

What are three types of status report?

The different types of project status reports are daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. They simplify the process of gathering and disseminating information about key information on the project.

This report could be very exhausting since it involves a lot of planning, considering issues and risks, as well as getting all the information of the whole plan, be summarized and put into an informative statement and reports. This will surely take up your time in trying to make this as presentable as possible. To help you get ease the burden of making this from zero, Sample Templates offers your and highly encourages you to make avail any, if not all, templates that you can see above.