Roads are considered to be the most dangerous place to be, according to my mother. No matter who you are, you may be a pedestrian, a car driver, a motorbike rider, a cargo truck driver, etc. incidents are everywhere and it’s inevitable. With this, a lot of traffic rules and laws are implemented to maintain peace and order on the roads. However, since incidents especially in public places like this is unavoidable, one must be ready and observant enough to notice little actions and little instances that might bring accident to everyone. In responding to the unavoidable nature of road incident, incident reports must be made. incident report is a formal recording of the facts related to an incident.

The report usually relates to an accident or injury that has occurred on the worksite, but it can also pertain to any unusual worksite occurrences, especially near misses. In this case, the people who are assigned to make these report are the traffic authorities that are witness of the incident. In making this, it might bring someone a pain the head knowing that he will be doing everything from scratch. To avoid this burden, our site of offering you free, available and ready-made templates for your traffic incident needs.

Just browse among these templates and choose the template that satisfies your need. For other incident report templates, we also offer Injury Incident Report, Lost Incident Report, Job Incident Report, HR Incident Report, Safety Incident Report, Food Incident Report, Student Incident Report, Behavior Incident Report, Restaurant Incident Report and Fire Incident Report. Also available are our blank templates for you to fill it out. This article will not only provide you with ready made, available templates but also give you useful tips and details that you should need to know in making your Traffic Incident Report.

10+ Traffic Incident Report Samples

1. Traffic Collision Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


2. Traffic Commission Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


3. Traffic Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 619 KB


4. Traffic Accident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 560 KB


5. Air Traffic Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 220 KB


6. Traffic Police Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72 KB


7. Traffic Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 127 KB


8. Traffic Collision Request Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 67 KB


9. Traffic Crash Police Incident Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 263 KB


10. Air Traffic Incident Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 332 KB


11. Traffic Motor Incident Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 82 KB


What is Traffic Incident Management (TIM)?

Traffic incident management (TIM) consists of a planned and coordinated multi-disciplinary process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents and restore traffic flow as safely and quickly as possible. Applied effectively, TIM reduces the duration and impacts of traffic incidents and improves the safety of motorists, crash victims and emergency responders.

What is the Benefit of TIM?

There are numerous benefits to integrating TIM into the transportation planning process at a country or regional level using an objectives-driven, performance-based approach. Transportation planners and traffic incident management professionals are two groups of professionals who traditionally have had little interaction, but there are real and sustainable benefits for incident responders, planners, and the traveling public to be gained when the connection is made. Those benefits start with safer, more efficient transportation system performance for the traveling public. With greater regional support, incidents can be cleared safely in less time, minimizing congestion and the impacts of traffic incidents on overall mobility and safety.


What is a traffic accident?

A traffic accident is defined as an accident involving at least one vehicle on a road open to public traffic in which at least one person is injured or killed.

How do you manage traffic incidents?

Park well away and turn on hazard lights. Protect the area and make vehicles safe. Call 999 and be alert for danger. Assess casualties using the primary survey. Treat casualties where you find them. Monitor their response.

What are the first aids for road accidents?

Here are a few contact numbers you can use during such emergencies. Make sure that the victim’s head, neck and back are treated with great care and are not jerked around. Place wooden blocks on either side of the neck. If this is not possible, make sure that nobody moves the victim by shaking them to stay awake.

It is really a challenging job to make incident reports as you need to make this as accurate as possible without missing any important and relevant details. But doing this or the welfare of the public is a very noble job for you to do so, as it is already considered public service. In helping you with your other template needs, we have templates such as Rotating Schedule Organizer, Schedule Organizer, Task Checklist, Task Report, Task Organizer, and other task templates that could help you with your organization needs.